Ghostbusters 3 shirt!

by Pizzaguy

19 years, 7 months ago

:-) I want one too! :p (*peter)

by busterbrother1

19 years, 6 months ago

dude how can I get that! I bet if enough people bought them then gb3 would have a chance!

by GhostHunter

19 years, 6 months ago

Hey, just saw this thread, I'm really interested.

by ghostbusters31

19 years, 6 months ago

Hey! Can I get one of those in 3XL? I'm a big sonna-of-a-Gozer!

by TheGoodDoctorE

19 years, 6 months ago

:-O That is one of the greatest shirts I have ever seen

by fusi0n1

19 years, 6 months ago

Hey all,

Just to let you know I am in the final stages of getting this up and running, instead of individual orders and jobs I'll just sell them on ebay with a buy now feature. There'll be a few design options to choose from, or you can ask for your own.

Was going to see if I could get some text on it, but it's most likely to be too finicky. Some slogan examples I was going for were:
“Who U Gonna SMS?”
“Coming Soon…”
“Saving the world one last time…”
“Third time's the charm…”

Will keep you updated, and when done I'll post a link probably in the Marketplace forum and link to it from here.

I think this would definitely get people talking about it again!!!

Word of mouth > Online petitions > Letters > others

by Hirst

19 years, 5 months ago

Dude! Chalk me up as interested! That is the sweetest looking shirt i have ever seen.

H.x (^_^)


19 years, 5 months ago

Man, that's a great shirt! I'm also interested in one.

How about for text have:

“We're Ready to Believe…”
or just

I would pay extra for that on the shirt, as well as the larger symbol on the front and the smaller on the back.

by drraystanz

19 years, 5 months ago

dude, I'd love to have one of those…can you hook me up? PM me…

by RamblingIdeas

19 years, 5 months ago

Forgot to say this earlier but that shirt is friggin sweet. Anyway this kinda got the voicein my head workin (jk) and this is what came out.


Sorry for the ridiculously long site name. Also, it's on MySpace so you'd have to have an account with them. If not then make one, it's free and kinda fun/funny for a while. If the link doensn't work (and if your even interested) then go to and search for display name LifeDebt (don't ask, it just came to me and I'm bad with names)
