Ghostbusters 3 Toys,your wants,thoughts and opinions

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

I've never been into action figures with cloth outfits. But the more the merrier.

It's an amusing idea… and it works more with capes, but the cloth outfits always look too big… I prefer sculpted, myself.

by Nix

17 years, 8 months ago

I've never been into action figures with cloth outfits. But the more the merrier.

It's an amusing idea… and it works more with capes, but the cloth outfits always look too big… I prefer sculpted, myself.

In the right hands, cloth outfits work very well. Have you seen some of Sideshow's output? Wonderful stuff.

Who knows, they could convert a few GIJoe uniforms, that would do just fine.

by wildcat

17 years, 7 months ago

A Lego Ghostbusters line. With the Ecto-1, in a normal set, and statue form, and the HQ… *Trails off.*

WOW thats a great idea,I can't believe I didnt think of it…..and I love LEGO's

by chriz

17 years, 7 months ago

I would want Hasbro to make the toys. It would be great to get the following

- Mini “galactic heroes” Style ghostbusters toys
- Ghostbusters Unleashed figures (Imagine a Stay Puft unleahed figure)
- The different cars/planes and stuff from film and cartoons
- Titanium Ecto 1
- A Mr Potato head of a ghostbuster like say “Potato Venkman”
- Transformers Ghsobusters , Imagine Ecto 1 turning in to Stay puft!

And more and Hasbro have a way of catching interest and relaunching a toy brand well

by sinister1

17 years, 7 months ago

I would want Hasbro to make the toys. It would be great to get the following

- Mini “galactic heroes” Style ghostbusters toys
- Ghostbusters Unleashed figures (Imagine a Stay Puft unleahed figure)
- The different cars/planes and stuff from film and cartoons
- Titanium Ecto 1
- A Mr Potato head of a ghostbuster like say “Potato Venkman”
- Transformers Ghsobusters , Imagine Ecto 1 turning in to Stay puft!

And more and Hasbro have a way of catching interest and relaunching a toy brand well

“Ray Spudz”

by Nix

17 years, 7 months ago

I would want Hasbro to make the toys. It would be great to get the following

- Mini “galactic heroes” Style ghostbusters toys
- Ghostbusters Unleashed figures (Imagine a Stay Puft unleahed figure)
- The different cars/planes and stuff from film and cartoons
- Titanium Ecto 1
- A Mr Potato head of a ghostbuster like say “Potato Venkman”
- Transformers Ghsobusters , Imagine Ecto 1 turning in to Stay puft!

And more and Hasbro have a way of catching interest and relaunching a toy brand well

Boomerjinks has designed that last one, at least if his avatar is anything to go by…

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

He didn't make it, he's just bearing an image that was done by a guy who's done a number of Transformer illustrations.

by Nix

17 years, 6 months ago

He didn't make it, he's just bearing an image that was done by a guy who's done a number of Transformer illustrations.

Oh…Well, it's still a hell of a concept, regardless of who made it.

I can't help but imagine just how useful a Transformer would be to ghostbusting. Stay Puft? S'mores in 30 seconds. Cthulhu? Calamari in 1 minute tops. Statue of Liberty? No more hikes down Times Square for you, my dear! This guy can whip up ten times more positive energy!