Ghostbusters 3 Trailer

by dontforgetbttf1

21 years, 8 months ago

(Note: The following trailer you are about to here was copied and posted on an AOL IM by me *dontforgetbttf, as “thcomicartist”, and my friend, “IStewart12”. I give my friend whole credit to him for thinking this up, while reading the works of H.P. Lovecraft as an inspiration. I would also like you to know that my friend does not wish to recieve AOL IMs from anyone, for personal reasons. This, my people, is a possible Ghostbusters 3 Tralier. Enjoy.)

IStewart12: dude
IStewart12: i came up with the perfect GB3 trailer
thecomicartist: what is it
thecomicartist: Narrator: “Who you gonna call to save the world again, from danger?”
thecomicartist: *clip of BTTF films*
thecomicartist: Narrator: “No…”
thecomicartist: *clip of Khan and Kirk fighting*
thecomicartist: Narrator: “Sorry.”
IStewart12: no
IStewart12: i have to type it all out
thecomicartist: oh, ok
IStewart12: ext. vermont countryside, night
IStewart12: a bizarre cyndrilical shape with wings flits across the sillohuette of the moon and flies toward a heavily wooded hill beyond
IStewart12: a shot of a door with a five-pointed star, bizarre dot markings, and a single huge eye in the center
IStewart12: narrator: There exists a book, forbidden for untold millenia, that tells the true origins of the Earth before the time of man…
IStewart12: a shot of an insane guy in a sanitarium
thecomicartist: ok
IStewart12: nutty dude: “That which is dead can eternal lie, and in strange eons EVEN DEATH MAY DIE…”
thecomicartist: i'm following
IStewart12: Narrator: The horrors contained within are enough to drive a man insane…
IStewart12: a group of cultists, standing about a flame in the center of a pentagram chanting “Ia! Ia! Cthulhu ftaghn!”
IStewart12: Narrator: That book is known as the Necronomicon, of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred…
thecomicartist: ok
IStewart12: close up of a book sitting on a stand in the miskatonic university library
IStewart12: suddenly, a hand snatches the book off its stand and we see the back of a hunched figure as it shambles away and alarms go off
thecomicartist: ooh
IStewart12: a shot of some random guy and a woman standing in the library the next morning
thecomicartist: interesting
IStewart12: (i'll figure out who these characters are someday, maybe rick moranis' character?)
thecomicartist: Louis and Janine, perhaps Dana
IStewart12: hrm, not for the girl
IStewart12: louis maybe
IStewart12: let's say it's him just for the hell of it
thecomicartist: okay. his Spaceballs char is in the rpg
thecomicartist: proceed
IStewart12: Louis: “OK, here's the situation. One of the most unholy books in the history of human civilization has just been stolen. There's a once in a century star alignment coming up next week. Said book contains spells that, in case of said alignment, are 100% guaranteed to release horrors previously unknown to mankind. We are two of very few people who know about this, and the only ones inclined to prevent it. Basically, in one week, the apocalypse begins and we have zero time to spare if we want to stop it. And you want to make a phone call. Honestly, who the hell are you going to call?!”
IStewart12: i'll let you digest that, and then you can tell me the next line
thecomicartist: “GHOSTBUSTERS”
IStewart12: close-up on the GB logo on the side of the ecto-1, music starts playing in the background
thecomicartist: “DAN AKROYD AS DR. RAY STANTZ”
IStewart12: Venkman: Alright, alright, Jesus, people, back off the car… it's not like we're celebrities. Well, big celebrities anyway.
IStewart12: Reporter: The Ghostbusters, renowned paranormal experts who last worked together in the late 80's, have teamed up once again to examine the bizarre disappearances and occult rituals that have taken place lately.
IStewart12: Egon Spengler (on TV interview): The chances are miniscule that any of this has a paranormal cause.
IStewart12: shot of the 4 GB's standing in a vacant street while it pours rain
IStewart12: a gigantic flipper-foot smashes down godzilla style in front of them
thecomicartist: hoho lol
IStewart12: Winston: Alright guys, the marshmallow man… we turned him into Cool Whip fairly easy. The walking statue of liberty… I could jive with that.
IStewart12: Egon takes a shot at the leviathan creature with his proton pack. It goes straight through and the creature regenerates.
IStewart12: The other 3 GBs turn to him, and say: ”Naaahhh."
IStewart12: The camera pans up and we see Cthulhu in all his 100-foot-tall glory.
IStewart12: fade out
IStewart12: GB theme continues to play in bg
IStewart12: Coming soon to a theater near you.
thecomicartist: sweet


Your thoughts, everyone.

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Very cool idea for a teaser/trailer. As a Cthulhu/Lovecraft fan, I loved it, very visual in the description and all.

by Tobin2027

21 years, 8 months ago

I love it, Im imagining it in my head right now. Over and over and over and over. Lol, while playing the GB theme. :s

by dontforgetbttf1

21 years, 8 months ago

Thanks I'll tell him all about the comments. I'm not much into Lovecraft myself, as my friend Ian did give a website link where his works are available to read, but I'm thinking about checking some out right now… :d

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Well don't hog the link, post it!

by dontforgetbttf1

21 years, 8 months ago

My internet's acting a little screwy, but I should have it up soon. I just need a little more time to find it…

by dontforgetbttf1

21 years, 8 months ago

My friend thinks thats the link. Here it is! Enjoy

by Slimer03

21 years, 8 months ago

Very good idea :d To bad this isnt going to happen for a while though :f