'ghostbusters 3' TV movie: being made in UK for charity

by moggers

19 years, 1 month ago

EDIT: as i have discovered below, this isn't an all-out proper sequel, but is still obviously someone wanting to make their version of a sequel for a good cause, set in the UK, the website for which can be found at http://www.ghostbusters3.net/

looks like the project is finally getting the wheels in motion after some speculation


Ladies and gentlemen: proof that Ghostbusters 3 is being made.

Whilst job hunting I found this on the UK government Job Centre website.

I cannot post a direct link because the search to find the job is created when you start a session

To see it you have to put in GHOSTBUSTERS as a keyword, and put all the other options as ‘all’ or ‘no preference’. Its the top result: the one that says ACTOR CREW York


There is a small possibility that you may not be able to do this if viewing from outide the UK. Living here, however, I am not able to test this.

This looks like a pretty good indication that ghostbusters 3 is on! And the teaser is being filmed in my fair city. Double bonus.

This could, also, be a misunderstanding / hoax, but the websites a pretty solid official one. Let me know what you think.

Take a look for yourselves, or here is a paste of what it says:

* Job Title * ACTOR & CREW * YOR/99491
Location YORK
Work Pattern Days
Closing Date 10/01/2006
Pension No details held


We are in the midst of preproduction for Yorkshire's biggest project: GHOSTBUSTERS 3. Shooting for a teaser segment will begin in mid January and we need both cast and crew for this one, two or three day shoot.

We need the following: Senior Gentleman Actor Senior Lady Actor Senior Pianist Actor (M/F) Large Middle Aged Gentleman Actor 4 other actors (M/F) Also crew with or without experience for camera, sound, grip and running work.

The shoot will be in one of the local cinemas of York, and food will be provided on the day. Wage meets national minimum wage and is provided post production.

If you are interested in any of these vacancies, please contact staff@morguefridge.com for our interview/audition day. Unsuccessful applicants may also apply for later roles and guaranteed extra work. MorgueFridge Creative Ltd.

Also, the production company behind the advert have a ghostbusters 3 logo on their website: http://www.morguefridge.com/

After writing all of this, it does occur to me this could be too good / bad to be true, depending on where you stand on the gb3 issue.

Thought you might be interested!

by matthew1

19 years, 1 month ago

I typed in Ghostbusters as the keyword but nothing relative to it came up. I'm confused. All I know is that it is definately not the official Ghostbusters III.

Judging by your post, it looks rather like someone is looking for people to be in a fan film.

by moggers

19 years, 1 month ago

its the top result: the one that says ACTOR/CREW

a fan film it could be. what kind of fan film shoots a teaser though? either way that sounds like fun.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 1 month ago

It is a fanfilm it's probably that same doofus that came in saying he had a budget to make it for charity. So it's not REALLY Ghostbusters III, it's what he calls it…

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 1 month ago

Same doofus. He's stolen Fusion's GB3 design. It amazes me that he's still plugging away with this.

EDIT: This was all posted here: http://forums.ghostbusters.net/viewtopic.php?t=6453&start=0 He never posted again, so we all assumed it was bullshit. I still don't see how he's managed to do it, so don't hold your breath.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

I've had a few dealings with the person responsible, I think he actually got permission from Fusion to use the logo… but well, he's talked a lot of talk without showing much to back it up… and so it's pretty hazy.

But the net result, Ghostbusters 3 is not being made, this is only a fanfilm which is being shot in York, for charity, apparantly.

by moggers

19 years, 1 month ago

Yep, that all makes perfect sense to me.

Oh well, guess it was a bit too good to be true, I shall change the topic title accordingly.

Could be a bit of fun regardless, sounds like a cool project to undertake.

I will let you know how it turns out if I hear / see anything.

by matthew1

19 years, 1 month ago

Hey Moggers. Why don't you just try and write some fan fiction or maybe your very own Ghostbusters III screenplay instead.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 1 month ago

I've had a few dealings with the person responsible, I think he actually got permission from Fusion to use the logo… but well, he's talked a lot of talk without showing much to back it up… and so it's pretty hazy.

But the net result, Ghostbusters 3 is not being made, this is only a fanfilm which is being shot in York, for charity, apparantly.
After several conversations, I never really said I agreed with him using it. Mainly because it's got nothing to do with a 3rd movie, the 3 is not in the movie title, yet using the 3 on all advertising and promotional work would give everyone an impression that it was GB3. That I didn't agree with.

by moggers

19 years, 1 month ago

After several conversations, I never really said I agreed with him using it. Mainly because it's got nothing to do with a 3rd movie, the 3 is not in the movie title, yet using the 3 on all advertising and promotional work would give everyone an impression that it was GB3. That I didn't agree with.
Yeah, I guess he's been caught red-handed.

Although its good to stir up excitement for a project, especially when its for charity, I think theres a danger people will get their hopes up and then feel let down when they find out its not really what they thought it was.

Did you guys see the pixellated version of Ghostbusters that someone made recently? Here's a link to it if you missed it: