'ghostbusters 3' TV movie: being made in UK for charity

by moggers

19 years, 1 month ago

we located a website: http://www.ghostbusters3.net/

by fusi0n1

19 years, 1 month ago

Did you guys see the pixellated version of Ghostbusters that someone made recently? Here's a link to it if you missed it:
Haha, that was awesome! Almost looked like a game.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Oh Geez…

We now have completed transfer from the USA of on-screen used ‘Proton Packs’ and are having new designs created.

We also have acquired access to ECTO-1, an original 1959 Miller-Meteor Cadillac Ambulance/Limo Combo as used in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II.

Casting will go ahead soon.

We are shooting on HIGH DEFINITION in York and Leeds, UK.

CLICK here to help us get further.

Remember, the British Red Cross Needs You.

This is rediculous, most of the Screen Used Proton Packs reside in various Planet Hollywoods, or at least, most of the decent ones if I'm not mistaken… and the Ectos by last (Though could be outdated report) report are still in LA/Florida resptively.

He IMed me, asking if he could aquire props to base new designs on, and to also get them for a franction of the price… I would recommend, at the moment… to distance yourselves should he contact you.

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

Agreed……this is ridiculous. No need to BS those that know more about these things than yourself.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 1 month ago

Hey, if it's for charity and he's not in it for profit, then great.
Although he has credited me regarding the logo creation (however my handle ID is just fusi0n) I really never agreed to it, as I wanted this to be part of my own GB3 movie (either stop-motion or with ‘The Movies’ game) And if this flops, or causes amounts of trouble, I am affiliated with the logo, and people won't recognise this logo as mine.

But I would steer clear from 3, when it's as easy as doing millions of other combinations of titles.
GB: Next Generation
GB: Ah you know what I mean

I really hope the 3 isn't involved as a ‘cash cow’ aimed at the ‘investors’ link.

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

if they do make it and donate the money to charity then cool but i dont think they will

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Well, odds are it won't get made…

Hey, if it's for charity and he's not in it for profit, then great.
Although he has credited me regarding the logo creation (however my handle ID is just fusi0n) I really never agreed to it, as I wanted this to be part of my own GB3 movie (either stop-motion or with ‘The Movies’ game) And if this flops, or causes amounts of trouble, I am affiliated with the logo, and people won't recognise this logo as mine.

But I would steer clear from 3, when it's as easy as doing millions of other combinations of titles.
GB: Next Generation
GB: Ah you know what I mean

I really hope the 3 isn't involved as a ‘cash cow’ aimed at the ‘investors’ link.

I advise you email him over this, if you aren't comfortable with your logo being used then request it back… you created it and he acquired it without permission… he even edited it without your permission.

by moggers

19 years, 1 month ago

now then

just to update on this - haven't heard anything back from the chap in question so whether or not he intends to actually do this, nothing visible is happening so far

i put my hand up to getting perhaps a little over-excited initially here!

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

The guy'll be posting in the topic below this one… that's the one he started to try ‘fix’ damage caused by someone who seemed to be overexcited on his production team.

by DJ_Izumi

19 years, 1 month ago

Where's the media? He has nothing but text on that site. If he's making a movie and looking for money he should have least have some material to show he's got something. Especially how he says he's aquired an Ecto… I'd like to see some pics of that.

I wouldn't even think the vehicle necessary would be available in the UK. I can only see him contacting someone with a replica in North America and having it shipped to the UK. That'd be expensive on it's own. o.O