Ghostbusters 3 Video Game?

by GuyCC

14 years, 10 months ago

Probably way too early to talk about it, since the potential movie's still a fair ways off, but if they make a game based off the movie, I really hope Terminal Reality gets another shot at the game since they nailed the “feel” of busting so well, and already have experience with the series.

At this point, I doubt we could get a “yes” or “no” confirmation due to NDAs and all that, but hopefully it's something that's already been in discussion or possible consideration at this point.

With licensed games being taken somewhat more seriously these days by certain developers, it would be a shame for Sony to trash the new reputation GB has gotten for an enjoyable game.

by slimelord1

14 years, 10 months ago

I'm pretty sure the GB game was intended to basically be an interactive GB3.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 10 months ago

The game is essentially ghostbusters 3, but if they said they did a third film for real, they'd be interested in doing a game. Obviously, too early to tell anything.

by JonXCTrack

14 years, 10 months ago

This is why I am actually hoping for a Ghostbusters 3 - so that we will get another game.

by chriz

14 years, 8 months ago

This is why I am actually hoping for a Ghostbusters 3 - so that we will get another game.

but the game we get = cheap movie tie in. Like the difference between Star wars KOTOR and Star wars episode 3 the game. It'll most likely suck compared to the game we have now

by JonXCTrack

14 years, 8 months ago

Maybe, maybe not. It's better than nothing at all for another 20 years.

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm siding with Chriz, there's been a documented trend that game adaptations of movies (released to coinicide with the film release) are often rushed and not as well developed as one not under the pressure of a film release.

We would end up seeing a lesser product.

by egonspengler4

14 years, 8 months ago

Everybody slaps the “crap” label on movie video games and I find most of those labels to be ill-added. I've played most movie games and only a fraction of them are terrible. Most of them just don't bring anything ‘new’ to the table… since when does not being an amazing new gameplay experience make the game ‘shit’?

And no, it wouldn't suck, because what would Terminal Reality do? They'd re-use the engine from the previous game. That right there is a very solid groundwork for an excellent game. It's not like the game would play horribly, use some sense here, people.

Now, doing it over again from the ground up, not trying to use anything from the previous game and another company doing it? Then you'd have some cause for concern. But why would Terminal Reality let us down all of a sudden, just because it's a movie-based game? Even if it was rushed, if it played the same as GB:TVG, it would be far from crap.

I take issue with the modern gamer mentality of assuming every movie-based game is going to be crap, becuase you know why? Then they read the crap into it when they play it and decide they were right. Like I said, a great majority of the movie games I've played were fine, even enojyable. They just didn't blow the genre wide open with anything new. And who says every game has to do that? Can't a game just be fun?

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

There wouldn't be the perception that they were poorer quality if there wasn't a good proportion of them that were lacklustre.

Terminal Reality, having done the last one would do their best, but they'd have a reduced production window… and I do remember a remark or two that Terminal may actually be the studio working on a game adaptation of the movie.

by theo1361

14 years, 8 months ago

however a few of the things like the engine and skins are done already and i am sure that terminal reality has learned a lot of lessons from making the first game. its true that they do have a shorter window yet having done one game already i am sure they will save a little time in the long run