ghostbusters 3 will be made

by ecto18

22 years, 6 months ago


by ecto18

22 years, 6 months ago

ill have to get back to you on that

by ecto18

22 years, 6 months ago

i lost the address but thik they have it on there site

by stantz316

22 years, 6 months ago

There are three flaws with your theory. #1. Mib 2 cost 97 million. GB 3 (accourding to Aykroyd) will coast around 120 million. Thats 23 million more. That ain't chump change. #2. Mib was made in 1997(or 1998, i forget). GB 2 was made in 1989. So awareness for mib is naturally higher then ghostbusters because the last GB movie was mad 13 years ago while the last mib was only made 5 years ago(even though MIB is a huge rip-off of GB IMHO). #3. MIB really only needed 2 major people to come back. Both agreed. GB needs at LEAST 4 major characters to come back, and one has repeatedly said no(Bill you Suck). Now I am not saying GB 3 will never be made, its just doubtful. I hope I am wrong though.

by ecto18

22 years, 6 months ago

hay all you need is Harold Ramis and four new people then you have Extreme Ghostbusters

by Ectoman

22 years, 6 months ago

… and a bad movie.

by Zack

22 years, 6 months ago

yeah I think an EGB GB3 should be avoided at all costs yikes


by ecto18

22 years, 6 months ago

sorry bad joke

by GBix

22 years, 6 months ago

if there is a GB 3, let's not make it EGB.

by GB3

22 years, 6 months ago

That sony email is right here on my signature. I think GB3 with or without Bill murray would be OK. I mean if they have at least Dan and Harold then that be OK. But don't forget Ernie Hudson. Having 3/4 GB's is better then two. I doubt they'd ever forget him. Just probably never spoke to him about it yet.
I mean when you look back on those old news about GB3 they were almost willing to accept making it without Murray. Then he said he'd agree to do a few days shooting on it. I mean Ivan Reitman said it best that Bill Murray always changes his tune alot. But then sometime in 2000 they all agreed they didn't want to do it without him. So Murray seems adamant.