Ghostbusters 3 will be made but....

by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

I think it will be made, but as a straight to video/dvd flick with totally new cast (well, maybe Dan will pop up for a while) just like Dragonheart2, Mimic 2, Anaconda 2 and Starship Troopers 2.

Remeber who said it first.

There's a trend in Sony (among other studios) of doing such sequels from their old hits catalogue.

And - paradoxally - Bill Murray will more likely agree for GB: Nex Gen, than Back-in-saddle stunt.

I know most of fans would like to see old guys even if they're old, fat and grumpy (just kidding..they're young, thin and handsome…in our memories and hearts)

I wonder would You guys agree for such a sequel.

by OddTodd

21 years, 7 months ago

I'd prefer to have it in theatres and have the original cast, but hey, I'd be happy if anything came out.

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 7 months ago

I f Sony did anything with it. I very seriously doubt it would be straight to video. Has Dan Aykroyd or any of the cast ever done a straight to video film? No. Have they ever made cameos in them? No.

It is ver unlikely that a franchise like Ghostbusters with all its marketing availibilty and a way to gey little kids to buy things from the movie, they would be stupid not to release it in theatres. And besides imagine the public, well community, outcry if Sony released a GBIII on a straight to video title.

I doubt you would see it. If Song does MIB3 then they would do a GB3 and release it in theatres. It's just to big of a title with to big of a history with to big a talent in the movie itself.


by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

Actually Dan did a few movies straight for dvd.
For instance Earth vs Spider is such a movie.

And i don't want even start talking about Ernie Hudson..

MIB is the fresh/pretty new franchise. Not the old one like GB.
And Will Smith is a mega star of today, not the star of eighties.

In my opinion be or not to be 4 MIB3 has nothing to do with GB3.

About toys, you know they have a lot of toys for Casper…
And there are 2 staright to vid sequels.

by definenormal

21 years, 7 months ago

and wasnt Dan in one of the straight to video squels for Casper, as a Ghostbuster!

sorry(little off subject)

by NetSolo

21 years, 7 months ago

Earth vs. the Spider was actually a made for TV movie that aired on Sci Fi and channels overseas. So TECHNICALLY it wasn't straight to video.

by slimerboy

21 years, 7 months ago

there is a starship troopers 2? thats awsome i love starship troopers

by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

1. Check out for all info.
2. Wasn't Diamonds straight to video?
3. Aykroyd did a cameo as Ray in the original theatrical Casper.

by exorcist313

21 years, 7 months ago

No Dan was only in Casper the first one in the theaters. But I dont care I just would like to see it. But its kinda like tremors 3. They released it right on Video and had pretty much the hole original cast. But then arent they actors that have too much time on there hands? and if they did release GBIII on video what are the chances that it will even be directed by Ivan?

Tell him Steve-Dave!

by slimerboy

21 years, 7 months ago

thanx for the link. earth vs the spider was cool i saw it for the 80th time yesterday. i think strait to video wouldnt have a high budget and the effects would suck