ghostbusters 3 will be released in 2004! MUST READ!!!!!!!!

by tomrayhall

22 years, 1 month ago

hey. my dad is an advertising production manager for columbia pictures and he says that they have signed the papers to make the new movie ghostbusters 3. the release date will be sometime in 2004. the advertising for the movie will start in late 2003. the new cast goes as follows: old, bill murray-peter, ernie hudson-as winston, dan akroyd-ray, harold ramis-egon…new, young apprentices will be done by vinny done by adam sandler, billy done by norm macdonald, robert done by johnny depp. also i\'ve heard that slimer will be getting a girlfriend with big puffy red lips. (i\'ve seen the pictures, its funny) :d story line is something like this: peter and the guys feel that they\'re getting a little slow so they decide to hire new help. they hire, vinny, billy and robert to replace them. they\'ve got new equipment and a new car and new headquarters. basically the story remains the same so don\'t fix it if its not broken. release will be next year and will be highly pushed by columbia pictures to be the number one movie of the year. from executive producers of the new york times.

by Vinz_Clortho

22 years, 1 month ago

Don't count on it pal.

by GBFreak

22 years, 1 month ago

Now, I'm trying nogt to get my hopes up here. but the way were are describing it it sounds as if teh actors will be doing voices for an animated series. But anyway, is there any way you could post any sources or pics of Slimer's New GF? DOn't worry, I semi-belive you. . .even tho I shouldn't until I see some sort of proof.

by Jay_Tigran

22 years, 1 month ago

gee, the shovel's just going at it with the BS, eh???

by GBFreak

22 years, 1 month ago

Well I'm not doubting him until he can or can't show us anything to back it up, that's all I want to see, some info or pics or anything.

the closest thing I cn find on the net to this is:

But maybee if you can give us some refrences, people won't be so hard on you.

by river_of_slime

22 years, 1 month ago

Ok i 90% believe u. The reasons i dont belive is that Sony owns GB's now, 2.) I want to see proof, and 3.) if it was true it be all ove the entertainment news and websites. But show me proof

by Sinister

22 years, 1 month ago

I hope it doesnt go this way, Slimer with a girl friend?

by BritishGB

22 years, 1 month ago

I got a policy…Never ever say never…
I would like some proof but I believe that GB3 WILL be made…Wake up ghostheads!…
Money rules the world…And I don't think that there's any doubt that GB3 would be the no.1 in the US and UK Box Office…I mean, you spend 100.000.000£ and earn 1.000.0000.000£…Where's the problem?
But I believe that the thing about Slimer's girlfriend will be added at the ending sequence where the credits show up!…

by trp81284

22 years, 1 month ago

true, like the bizkit said, ‘ya gotta have faith!’. but then again we have all got our hopes up so many times just to have them shattered in front of us. too much excitment with this and the ‘product’. cool yall.

by Zack

22 years, 1 month ago

hmmmmmmm I didn't wanna say anything before but funny how everyone who comes here to tell us something knows someone who works for Columbia and has inside info. :d
