Ghostbusters ARG?

by chainsawmassacre

17 years, 1 month ago

The Batman viral campaign is awesome. I'm loving every second of it. My question is, assuming that the new videogame and its “application” on the site isn't leading up to one, would it be of any copywrite issues/problems/etc to start one of these viral/alternate reality games, since it would be totally free to everyone? I could see a Ghostbusters “ARG” being doable, and free with the exception of a website. Other resources would be cheap/easy (leaving things places) and you can set up phone numbers with voicemail messages and the like for free nowadays.

It would be some work, but maybe fun to start up and run for everyone to enjoy. Opinions?

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

You could try.

But who knows.

by mdp872105

17 years, 1 month ago

Funny i was thinking about something similar. excepted i was thinking of a more of a d&d style game that we could have off this website see as the distance between every one is so large.

by Dreamstalker

17 years ago

I was involved in the Perplex City ARG before it suffered a very untimely demise, and I could see this concept working. Initial clues were distributed via email/websites, IIRC eventually phone and in-person meetings/treasure hunts were going to be involved as well.

To get an idea of what it entailed, there's a wiki (with a good intro to the ARG genre) here:

I'd be willing to help out in Boston if I can.