Ghostbusters article from

by Kingpin

20 years, 2 months ago

Posted at GBHQ: is running a new story on Ghostbusters 3. But wait! Don't start camping outside theaters yet–

"As every Ghosbusters fan knows, a third film is about as likely to happen as Jessica Simpson enrolling in post-grad marketing studies at UCLA. In other words : Not too likely.

Slime-shooting Dan Aykroyd is still keen to do it. He just has a board of suits to convince. And once they learn that Bill Murray would rather have his teeth extracted than do a “Ghostbusters 3”, they’ll turn their attention to the pooping pigeon outside on the studio window still and away from the pitch.

Aykroyd tells Latino Review that Murray isn’t the only one who’s balked at the idea of doing a second sequel. Apparently ‘most of the cast’ have. Harold Ramis, Annie Potts and Ernie Hudson co-starred in the previous films.

A couple of years back, Aykroyd mentioned that he had an idea to bring in a new young cast of “Ghosbtusters” – Will Smith’s name was mentioned at one point, probably after the success of “Independence Day” and “ID4” – and he says that’s still one idea he could consider – if only the rights holders of “Ghostbusters” would let him. At the moment, he says those that would make such a call – and he’s not naming names – won’t let him.

Funnily enough, just three short years ago, Harold Ramis mentioned something similar – and sounded quite keen to do it – in an online interview.

“I think Columbia would love to keep the franchise going with three new know.. using us as metors , cameos in the movie… I dunno, and we are developing …there's a concept for a third script , the studio might do..right now there's a big negotiation …going on the series..the movie consequently..if the deal can be made the movie can be made, we dunno if the deal can be made.”

This is apparently the storyline of the would-be sequel : Dr's Stantz (Aykroyd), Spengler (Harold Ramis) and Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson) cope with Venkman's (Bill Murray) departure. They recruit a group of young bucks and try to deal with a new wave of spooks, who are being ejected from an overcrowded hell by that looks exactly like Manhattan. Louis (Rick Moranis), Janine (Annie Potts) and Dana (Sigourney Weaver) all have cameos, while Venkman only appears near the end of the film.

It’s a sad state of affairs when Aykroyd can get a “Blues Brothers 2000” made – now that, I would feed to Toranga’s Gators – and not a second sequel to one of the most profitable films of the 80’s.

Thanks to JT for the scoop, I'm still keeping my eyes open for this Latino Review article mentioned.


An interesting article, even though chances of a third movie are still remote.

Interestingly though, from what I remember in recent reports, the cast excluding Bill would've liked to have done a third movie.

by texasgb1

20 years, 2 months ago

Not really any “new” news there. Basically its a good summary of what happened. Like net said, other reports only said Murray was holding it back. Some very early reports said it was sony who did not want to back it. Hopefully it will be made but as the cast gets older it looks less likely they will be involved.

by d_osborn

20 years, 2 months ago

one glaring inaccuarate statement…dana wasn't in the HELLBENT script that was floating around.

by river_of_slime

20 years, 2 months ago

Tex u really havent been keeping up have you? Dan has said Columbia wants to do it now but certain person doesnt and he owns the right.

by gbmasterman

20 years, 2 months ago

River is right. Back in 98/99 when Bill and the rest of the guys were willing to do a 3rd movie, Sony did not want to because of the costs. Now Sony is ready to do a 3rd movie but Bill does not want to do it.

by texasgb1

20 years, 2 months ago

No, you really have not been keeping up. Dan ORIGIONALLY said it was sony who was holding up the deal back when he did the famous inteview with Access Hollywood (I guess you missed it). In later interviews Aykroyd the noted it was Murray who was holding up the deal. It was not always Murray who kept it from being done. Apparently Murray was willing to do it when sony did not want to do it and then sony was willing to do it when Murray did not want to do it.

by Kingpin

20 years, 2 months ago

No, you really have not been keeping up. Dan ORIGIONALLY said it was sony who was holding up the deal back when he did the famous inteview with Access Hollywood (I guess you missed it). In later interviews Aykroyd the noted it was Murray who was holding up the deal. It was not always Murray who kept it from being done. Apparently Murray was willing to do it when sony did not want to do it and then sony was willing to do it when Murray did not want to do it.

You sure? He was the prime motivator to get GBII renamed The Last of the Ghostbusters, I can't remember it ever being said that he ever wanted to do another sequel.

I knew the Sony bit, it was around the same time that they were saying MIIB would never happen :@

Wish it hadn't after the appalling job they made of it.

by d_osborn

20 years, 2 months ago

at one point, murray agreed to “work a few days on it”. my guess is that's why he was included as god in the two small scenes in the 1999 script. i'm really curious if he was in the earlier ramis/aykroyd treatment. rumors point to YES, but then again, they are just rumors.

the old access hollywood bit is still around… in both text and video forms. i REALLY wish aykroyd or someone would give a complete history of the film.. seeing as aykroyd said it himself that it “isn't going to happen.”

by Jey

20 years, 2 months ago

They wouldn't give the complete history of the film because maybe it would be made…
If they give it , that's sure GB3 would never be released.

by fomeboy

20 years, 1 month ago

No, you really have not been keeping up. Dan ORIGIONALLY said it was sony who was holding up the deal back when he did the famous inteview with Access Hollywood (I guess you missed it). In later interviews Aykroyd the noted it was Murray who was holding up the deal. It was not always Murray who kept it from being done. Apparently Murray was willing to do it when sony did not want to do it and then sony was willing to do it when Murray did not want to do it.

You are right.

In Aykroyd's own words in a May 25, 2001 article:

Cindy Pearlman of the Chicago Sun Times recently talked with the comedic actor about his feelings toward the beloved franchise. It seems that Aykroyd is all for doing third film in the series, but there are a multitude of problems. Aykroyd tells the paper, “No, we can't do another one – the rights are all tied up.” When pressed for details, he admits that Columbia Pictures, which released Ghostbusters and the film's 1989 sequel, isn't the problem. “Other parties,” said Aykroyd. “It's the Ghostbusters. It would be nice to get us all to agree, but impossible.” What of all the rumors that Bill Murray is the hold-up? Aykroyd says, “Well, there's a reason Bill won't agree. Someone once didn't agree with him. Now he doesn't agree with someone. Listen, Bill is a friend of mine and just because he doesn't want to explore this concept is no reason to impair our friendship. He wants to move on to new work and new things. I can't blame him.”

And in another article from July 30, 2002:

“The cost is too excessive for the studio to see it to be economically feasible,” said Akyroyd. "It is a shame too because everyone wants to do it. Even Bill Murray said he would work a few days on it. I did finish a script. Harold Ramis liked parts of it. Ivan Reitman liked parts of it too. There is definitely an interest from all of the original parties involved to make it. However, the studio just does not want to take the risk. In my opinion, the successes of the other two give the impression that there is a good chance of profit for a third sequel. So unfortunately, it looks like its just not going to happen based on the studio's feelings, not from anyone else."

Now, if sony is truly willing to make the third movie, then how comes Murray hasn't woke up yet?
I think that maybe, just maybe, we all need to call good'old Slimer to get him slimed and see if he finally wakes up…

:-O “peter!”