Ghostbusters coin

by Ghosthead_From_Quebec

19 years, 2 months ago

I've seen only at GBdetroit the ghostbusters commemorative coin. Is this a rare Gb piece ? Is there any other people that own a piece like that ?

by castewar1

19 years, 2 months ago

Commemorative coins were stupidly popular in the late 90s. I've seen coins for all sorts of movies etc. The GB2 coin is fairly rare to find. A lot of them were cheap and plated, but the GB2 one is silver. I couldn't even guess how many were made, though now I really want to wander over to Chapters and check out a coin price guide, see what it says.

It's not something you see on ebay all that often, that's for sure. It's a nice piece.

by Ghosthead_From_Quebec

19 years, 1 month ago

There's a guy on ebay, he got like 20 of them. I dunno if they are real (I ordered one). Im not doing any advertising but it's quite strange, 20 and if castewar tell me it is quite rare.. I'm afraid I maybe lost 30 box. Jusst hope not