Ghostbusters comics

by Charlie1

18 years, 3 months ago

Hi, I'm Charles and I'm new to this board, I'm a huge fan of ghostbusters and I was just wondering if someone here can help me.

There was a ghostbusters comic series that had 28 issues (which I have) but I found out that their was another series that dealt with something called Tobin and the Maze of Time from Now Comics, how many issues did this series have?

I also heard that their were Ghostbusters Annuals also made, how many of them were their? and what were they about?


18 years, 3 months ago

The series you're talking about is RGB vol. 2 from NOW. The story began in the 3-D Special and ran through #s1-4. There was also 2 annuals. For information on each issue, check out the second link Fome posted there in the RGB section.