Ghostbusters comics in French?

by fabricio1

20 years, 1 month ago

hello every body!
I would like to know if somebody knows if the comics about ghostbusters were sold in france and in french of course!
thank you! :-)

by Shadow_weaveR

20 years, 1 month ago

your french? eww. well your best bet is to move out of france ASAP, and move to a country where they speak god's language, so you can enjoy the GB comics and rejoin civilized society (^_^)

by Kingpin

20 years, 1 month ago

Doubtful, even though I think 88 is based in the French-speaking part of Quebec, I don't think GHOSTBUSTERS has been translated into a second language yet, though, you're free to ask the guys yourself at their web site.

by spookbuster1

20 years, 1 month ago

Thats a bummer. I'm pretty much positive they aren't sold in French, but your English seems pretty good to me so maybe you could order one from an online retailer and read it in english?

by Jey

20 years, 1 month ago

I'm French ( and proud to be French Mr Weaver )

The Ghostbusters 88 comics aren't translated in French , but I'm sure it's better in English

by Shadow_weaveR

20 years, 1 month ago

Proud to be from france? such people exist?

by Kingpin

20 years, 1 month ago

I'm French ( and proud to be French Mr Weaver )

The Ghostbusters 88 comics aren't translated in French , but I'm sure it's better in English

I bet the translators would have a field day with “Ectoplasmic Cortex” and “Fugue State”. :p