Alright… just finished the second demo and I likes it.
I dig the longitivty (if there is such a word) I didnt book through it like the other.
The audio s/e was a little better, but I dont care the of the d/l, wav will be so much easier on the ears than midi
The sprites were awsome, I really love the over sized proton stream in battle. The only thing I miss from the old one is the little sprites during battle. I assume you used the Sega ghostbusters sprites for the new battling ones correct? Just doesnt look right in my book, but then again, i'm not the makers.
Good idea of introducing a very Meko (Secret of Mana) character to buy/sell stuff.
The “Recharge” power really comes in handy after a battle too.
Oh yeah… bonus points for using Star Wolf battle music.
The full game should be well worth any ghostheads time.