Ghostbusters d20

by awhitefire

23 years ago

I was thinking, wouldn't it be neat if West End Games or Wizards of the Coast were to release a new Ghostbusters RPG based on the d20 System? I think it would give fresh new life to my childhood favourite characters. In fact, I'm working on my own Ghostbusters d20 RPG right now with the Wizards of the Coast RPGs I own.

by Ectodude

23 years ago


by DocEggman

23 years ago

Yeah… Wizards of the Coast sells a lot of fantasy card and board games for kids and enthusiasts alike. I never really got into those kinds of games, but maybe I would if there was GB one.

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

Hey, as to the D20 system…. make them out of “Call of Cthulhu, D20!”

It's a paranormal earth modern setting, and there are no “Classes” in the game. For those who are interested, I plan on making a “Ghostbusters conversion” for Call of Cthulhu D20 when it comes out next month.

Email me if you're interested.