Ghostbusters Delayed.... AGAIN in Europe!

by Buckynohair

15 years, 4 months ago

Well it's officially starting to get silly now. It might only be 2 weeks but still……….

by EggoBot

15 years, 4 months ago

ugh…This has gone beyond ridiculous.

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

It doesn't even make any logical sense, unless Terminal Reality have (unlikely) been given some more time to tweak the 360 version for it's PAL release… I can't fathom why it could possibly slip…

It's also unfortunate that now, it's missing a nice (if insufficient) consolation of arriving around Halloween.

I think this has now beaten the issues of Ghostbusters: Legion in terms of lateness.

by DaniTD

15 years, 4 months ago

It´s strange, yesterday I saw on a electronics shop here in my city Ghostbusters for the PS2 and the PS3, also Wii version. PS3 version at 69.90 €. And today I read that the game is delayed until next month. Strange. Nevertheless I bought it when it shipped on EEUU heh.
I´m from Spain and yes, the game is at the store.

by Spruebox

15 years, 4 months ago

I thought this whole thing was stupid, as I know PAL gamers usually end up getting the short end of the stick with games (at least Sony is giving them some nice PSP game bundles, like with Gran Turismo PSP…I think with Rockband 2 or some version of Rockband they are getting free songs?). And then if PAL happens to actually get a game first, my fellow Americans whine like little kids who spilt their milk. I'd like to see more companies either give PAL first servings on games or do international releases that don't leave you guys in the dust (and true internation releases, not “oh, but only for x console in your region” crap…I like Sony, but I don't think they should have done this…boneheaded move on their part).

Also, I'd like to see PAL customers get something extra for having to wait longer. Probably not going to happen, but I think it would be a great gesture on Atari's behalf. Maybe a teeshirt with the Wii and DS versions, and maybe all of the stuff like Gold Proton pack and flight suit, all together in one game for you guys. That would be sweet

It´s strange, yesterday I saw on a electronics shop here in my city Ghostbusters for the PS2 and the PS3, also Wii version. PS3 version at 69.90 €. And today I read that the game is delayed until next month. Strange. Nevertheless I bought it when it shipped on EEUU heh.
I´m from Spain and yes, the game is at the store.

PS2 and PS3 versions are supposed to be out now (and have been out for a while). As for the Wii version, I believe you might be mistaken:

Excluding the fact that the Kotaku article talks about a November release, even Atari is saying October (they are the European non-Sony console publisher). It's possible you saw one of those display cases game shops are so fond of to remind people to pre-order said game. Otherwise, perhaps it was a store displaying the NTSC version of GBTVG Wii (which is out). If not either of those, feel free to reply back and explain exactly what ya saw

by DaniTD

15 years, 4 months ago

Spruebox you´re right.
Ghostbusters for PS2 and PS3 are out. No Wii version at all, it was my fault sorry. I went again to the shop to confirm it (*egon)
Anyway, the game is being sold without any announcement. Not a poster, not a tv advert, not advertising at all. Nevertheless recently I´ve seen a lot of people with ghostbusters merchandising such as t-shirts. But the game is far from being known.

by tom_p1980

15 years, 4 months ago

The magic of imports. lol

This is why I decided to import it from the US rather than wait.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 4 months ago

Yeah but one can't import and play the Wii version unless one has an imported Wii console or some form of “frowned upon” means.

by Spruebox

15 years, 3 months ago

Spruebox you´re right.
Ghostbusters for PS2 and PS3 are out. No Wii version at all, it was my fault sorry. I went again to the shop to confirm it (*egon)
Anyway, the game is being sold without any announcement. Not a poster, not a tv advert, not advertising at all. Nevertheless recently I´ve seen a lot of people with ghostbusters merchandising such as t-shirts. But the game is far from being known.

Hey it's okay…my memory is pretty…bad. LOL I have a memory of something I didn't have as a kid. I insisted I had it (a tunnel toy of some sorts), but Mom said I didn't. O_O

As for importing, out of curiosity, does anyone know if the 360 has region locking?

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 3 months ago

The 360 version of Ghostbusters is not region locked. I have two friends overseas that I play with online.