Ghostbusters dept. 003 Colorado is starting but I need help

by Russel_Turrner

22 years, 3 months ago

Help… I started are web site the other day but if comming slowly I'm having a hard getting the frames to work and what to put on our site. I would like imput from every one. other thing you would like to say about our site here is the addie.


by Spengs

22 years, 3 months ago

Russel_Turrner: As a founder of a GBI franchise in NJ since 1997 and webmaster of the JZGB site, I can be of some help. I hope what I'll say is more of constructive criticism, then me being straight up harsh.

Are you the only member of this GBs Dept. 003 Colorado? First rule of Ghostbusting, don't bust by yourself.

What is this dept 003? I'm sure at GBI HQ, they have many depts. (most of which JZ gets removed from by GBI security) How is your dept. different from the JZGBs, MGBs, MTGBs for example? You might want to consider a name change, as long its not vague so other franchises can open in Colorado.

If possible lose the frames. “Its more of a guideline then a rule.” Or make two versions of your site so people can choose “frames or no frames.”

For the text links, I'd make them text graphics.

For all other site content, I know you're getting started so I'm sure you know what else you need/want to do for the site. I would suggest you look at other GBI approved franchises for examples. Please don't straight up “copy” what others have done. Yeah, some things are going to be very similar, after all we work for the same company. If you feel you need to put a graphic or article on your site that's exactly like ones on other franchise sites, at least ask the franchises.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post or e-mail me.