Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression

by Clavet

15 years, 5 months ago

Quoted for truth. I will be the first to admit that I have no idea how the comic industry works, but I wish the IDW could pick those guys up and let them just run with the franchise.

Darn you Clavet. You had the GB world at your fingertips!

I know. Back then I was a different person, what more could I say, I made lots of stupid mistakes.


by Tarion

15 years, 5 months ago

Don't remind me Clavet. I don't suppose I'll ever get my refund back from you.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 5 months ago

Why was Clavet's post deleted?

He expressed regret over his mistakes. Not that it means much to anyone based on the fact that he has fallen off the face of the Earth and just doesn't respond to anyone anymore in regards to their refunds, but I don't understand why the post was deleted.

by egonspengler4

15 years, 5 months ago

Better not to rock the boat. You don't let a Republican run his mouth in the middle of the Democratic National Convention, y'know?

by Goblin

15 years, 5 months ago

Love that pic.The Giant Ghostbusters. xD

by DocFritz

15 years, 5 months ago

Fritz Babbles About Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #1

I've used this format before, but it seems extra appropriate for this one:

The Good:

Venkman is awesome here. In the cartoon, he was a big fan of Westerns, and here he hams it up, getting to actually live one of those Dewey LaMort stories he read as a kid. He spouted tough guy phrases, shot the desperadoes, got to sex up the cute schoolmarm–this has been a dream come true for him.

Well, okay, there's the part about being thrown into the timestream and seperated from the others, but there's always gotta be a downside, right?

The plot I can't complain about; it slightly resembles “Tobin and the Maze of Time”, a Now Comics story (RGB Vol.2 #0-4) but “Koza'Rai” is a much cooler villain name than “Evil”. The events of the next few issues will tell, of course, but it's off to a good start.

The Bad:


When you introduce a new character who comes out of nowhere and shows up the canon characters (by, you know, doing things like rewriting the laws of GB physics so crossing the streams isn't “bad” or creating a time travelling version of ECTO-1), and just happens to be strikingly beautiful, has her own super special flight suit, and a decent shot with a proton pack, you have something that is commonly called a Mary Sue.

Rachel Unglighter is Mary Sueing all over the place here.

It really makes me wish our first assumption–that she was from the future, and probably sent by Egon from there–was right. That would have made a lot more sense than the backstory she gave. Assuming it was accurate, of course…

Remember back in the days of The Real Ghostbusters? There was a line in the RGB bible, where J. Micheal Straczynski addressed the issue of Gozer, and basically said “Forget about him. he's history.” Nowadays, you can't swing a ghost trap without smacking into a Gozer cross-reference. The Video Game was all about Gozer, and worst of all retconned a Gozer/Vigo connection. Name dropping in Ghost Busted and The Other Side. And now a new villain…just happens to be Gozer's father.

I guess next they'll bring back Gozo, Son of Gozer, and Horg the Gozarian, Gozer's Scottish redneck uncle from the Marvel UK books. All they need then is a skanky Mary Sue Cousin (since Gozer already has two dogs) to complete the set.

Oh crap, did I just guess Rachel's real origin? (lol)

The Ugly:

Definitely not the art. The art is a lot zippier than in the last mini-series (though I didn't hate the art in The Other Side as much as some did; I guess some of it's the old “He's still a lot better than me” factor)

Though the zombies were ugly. And the train. But that was intentional.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

Doc Fritz;154744
The Video Game was all about Gozer, and worst of all retconned a Gozer/Vigo connection.
From my remembrance, they never straight-out said that a single event in the game was a connection between Vigo and Gozer. They did however insinuate, via a character who, in all honesty, compared to the others didn’t know better…but nothing more. Insinuations and hints of this nature can either be accepted or ignored by the fan base or future writers…I mean look at Marvel comics. For the longest time it was insinuated that Sabertooth was the father of Wolverine…and look how that ended up

As far as the comic is concerned, I was going to pick it up this weekend but after hearing both negative and positive things about it I am uncertain I want to…sorta on the fence if you were…

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 5 months ago

It's a fun read, get it James….GET IT!

by egonspengler4

15 years, 5 months ago

Doc Fritz;154744
Remember back in the days of The Real Ghostbusters? There was a line in the RGB bible, where J. Micheal Straczynski addressed the issue of Gozer, and basically said “Forget about him. he's history.” Nowadays, you can't swing a ghost trap without smacking into a Gozer cross-reference. The Video Game was all about Gozer, and worst of all retconned a Gozer/Vigo connection. Name dropping in Ghost Busted and The Other Side. And now a new villain…just happens to be Gozer's father.

I guess next they'll bring back Gozo, Son of Gozer, and Horg the Gozarian, Gozer's Scottish redneck uncle from the Marvel UK books. All they need then is a skanky Mary Sue Cousin (since Gozer already has two dogs) to complete the set.

Agreed, Fritz. The game was enough. No more Gozer.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

It's a fun read, get it James….GET IT!

I may…can I get a sexy dance party if I do?