Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression

by LooZR

15 years, 4 months ago

i dont know about you guys but i love this new comic series. i think its a new twist on whats been done before. i can't wait to see whats going to happen in the next issue.

to be honest, the art is a little cheap looking but the writing is pretty awesome. the action is good and it even contains the element of comedy that the movies and cartoons had.

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 4 months ago

IDW has released their January solicitations, no Ghostbusters books listed.

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 3 months ago

*Edit* Issue #3 due out in stores this Wednesday, Nov. 11th according to my comic shop. Diamond's list for the week of the Nov. 4th appears to be incorrect.

Here's a preview of the book. Be warned there are spoilers. Shown are three of the variant covers and a four page preview.

by Vinz-2206

15 years, 3 months ago

I got around to reading #2 finally. I thought it was an improvement. If I had to grade it, I'd give it a strong B.

Peter was pretty funny this time, and I thought the events of this issue played out a little better than the first's.

They're off to Mars now to fetch Egon. I guess that's an appropriate place for him. lol

by DocFritz

15 years, 3 months ago

Fritz Babbles About Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #3

Spoilers Ahoy…

Venkman, Ray, and Rachel reach Mars in the year 2060..and after Ray's initial geekgasm, they quickly discover things aren't so rosey. The place is attacked by a swarm of demonic spirits, but the swarm is stopped by a force dome over the city, a dome erected by the mysterious “Great Defender”

After being arrested for demonstrating “insufficient reverence”, our two heroes and one wild card (we still don't know what she's really up to yet, after all) are dragged before the Great Defender himself. Or, as we usually know him, Dr. Egon Spengler.

Everyone who's read more than about three of my stories know I'm a big Egon fan; in fact, I've gotten criticized for it a time or two. So I loved this–who else but Egon could apparently so quickly assimilate technologies from a century after he was born and use it to his, and the Martians' advantage?

Well, okay, there's the fact that he's become a megalomaniac who doesn't even recognize Ray and Venkman (if this was a cartoon, I'd have Maurice LaMarche switch to his Brain voice while The Great Defender); certainly the “chronological dysplasia” factored into it, but I also suspect something else: the loss of his memory, specifically the loss of the memories of his friends, can't have helped.

I apologize for comparing this story to some of my own fan writings, but if you're familiar with the “Nodus” arc, you could see a great deal of similarities: in an alternate universe, Egon never reconnects with Janine or the other Ghostbusters (per the EGB backstory). He embraces “perfect logic”, becomes a sort of God of Knowledge, and the results are disasterous–this alternate Egon becomes a madman who attempts to literally rewrite history to his own specifications.

His friendships with Ray, Venkman, and Winston, and his relationship with Janine, ground him. They keeps him human. He loses those to “chronological dsyplasia” or “perfect logic”, and beings like the Great Defender and Nodus are the result.

Well done, Mr. Lobdell. Well done.

And perhaps anticipating the fact that his “spotlight” will be diminished by a Janine short, finding out what the deal is with Rachel, and the throwdown with Koza'Rai, we get a few pages of Winston this issue. Winston appears to be back in a cracked version of the present, under Koza'Rai's rule. We do find one little interesting tidbit: he's already run into Rachel, and took a “leap of faith” on her somehow. Whether that was because she mind tricked him or not remains to be seen, of course.

And at the very end, the others arrive back in the “present”, to find a bombed out firehouse and wrecked ECTO-1 nearby. Egon seems to be back to normal (Venkman from “Slimer Is That You”: “Normal being a fairly relative term in his case”). If the next thing Egon says after seeing the wrecked firehouse isn't/wasn't “Where's Janine?” Mr. Lobdell loses some of the cool points he earned this issue. (lol) (“You don't understand, Peter. She could be off being raped by pirates for all we know…”)

It's also interesting, based on what little we know of #4, that it now looks like Koza'Rai didn't throw Winston through time but apparently did get rid of Janine. Hm.

Three down, one to go, and this is looking awesome so far.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 3 months ago

Wait a minute… #3 is out? My comic shop didn't notify me my subscription was in… That's odd.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 3 months ago

My comic shop didn't get it in this week either

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 3 months ago

Dr. V and Jay, I stopped in at my shop today hoping to get #3. They have it listed for next week despite Diamond's website.

I'll edit my earlier post.

I haven't even seen issue #2 yet as my shop has been having trouble with all my IDW books from October forward.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 3 months ago

I picked 2 of the 3 covers up at Hastings yesterday afternoon, and ordered the varient cover online from midtown comics as Graham Crackers has it listed for next week. I will try to speak of it without spoilers…

Personally, I am really starting to get into the story and am looking forward to the end. The characters are starting to feel “right” and the art is growing on me (though without a doubt it is leaps and bounds above TOS).

While I thought this series had a less than fantastic start, I think this issue really turned it around. Come on december for the conclusion AND the Christmas one-shot.

On a downside, I really am tired of all the varient covers. There have been 3 different covers for each of the three issues so far. I feel that I should collect them all in order to have a “complete” collection, and have been doing so, but I just don't get the point. (I could just be jaded after having 6 copies of legion #1 - but I'd rather have more comics with different stories than varient covers.)

by drstantz4

15 years, 3 months ago

Diamond buggered up on shipments this week and so a lot of areas got hosed out of anything from IDW.

Should be available everywhere else on the 11th.