GHOSTBUSTERS Dog Aquarium,action figure fan film

by RalfCastleknifer

15 years ago
There is still a lot more filming to do for this movie,but I felt like putting out a trailer. The best scenes have yet to be filmed and most of the main villains haven't appeared yet. Ghostbusters Dog Aquarium is a sort of dadaist action figure fan film. It will be feature length.

The general plot is the Ghostbusters,the Ninja Turtles,and Batman & Robin get together to build a machine that opens up a gateway to the Netherworld so they can explore it, but anything can happen anytime,anyplace,for no reason at all because this is a fantasy,it doesn't have to make sense. Dreams often don't make sense. Many many more characters will appear including almost every RGB toy made from 1986-1991. The music heard in this trailer is mine. Thanks for checking it out.

by Nix

15 years ago

Hmm, very ambitious. Will this be stop-motion animated?

by RalfCastleknifer

15 years ago

No,it won't have stop-motion animation,that would take eternity,especially because I'm doing EVERYTHING by my self,except for my brother doing half the voices. The movement will be like what you see in the trailer.either moved with strings or by hand with hands out of the shot. Other times every thing will be still while the camera moves. There's a lot to do and I also have stupid real life to deal with,so I don't know when it will be done.