Ghostbusters Doom 2?

by ToastDuster

15 years ago

Was just looking at the old archived site, and saw the bit about it. Is is available? I found a video for it on YouTube which said it was never completed.
I've got the first Doom but not the second, I'll have to get one from somewhere.

by ScubaSteve

15 years ago

Oh it still exists… but changes to the zdoom exe have broken a number of the game's “tricks”.

You'll also need…

Unzip zdoom into your Doom2 folder. Then drag the gbd2 file onto the zdoom icon. It works… but over the years, a lot of features broke as the engine evolved.

by ToastDuster

15 years ago

does that essentially mean that it wont work?
if changes to zdoom are the problem, is it not possible to get an older version that will run the game as you intended?

thanks for the help.

i have doom1, but can't get any sound from it on my WindowsXP machine.
My older Win95/Dos pc runs it correctly but sadly can't be internet connected for multiplayer.

by fusi0n1

15 years ago

It will work for Zdoom, just some levels and things are unfinishable (use a level skip to get around this) It's still a blast to play.

Zdoom will work on new PCs, but if you want to use your original Doom or Doom2 CDs to install and play, you'll need an emulator like DosBox. (it emulates an old-school PC)

For instance if you wanted to play Doom1 on a new PC, you could install ZDoom, and copy the doom.wad over. Start Zdoom and it will ask you which doom do you want to play (I'm going from memory here, so hopefully it still rings nearly true)

by ToastDuster

15 years ago


i'll get around to playing this when i've sortd out my pc upgrade & fresh re-install.
it's currently got so many bugs that it takes 20 minutes to boot up….

my 95 machine boots in under a minute

by ScubaSteve

15 years ago

To correctly play it, you'd have to downgrade to an older version of ZDoom. was the latest version available when I stopped working on Ghostbusters Doom. It's disappointing that some of the backwards compatibility was lost with zdoom… but then I suppose I couldn't have made Urban Brawl without the newer changes.

by EgonSpengler86

15 years ago

It will work for Zdoom, just some levels and things are unfinishable (use a level skip to get around this) It's still a blast to play.

Zdoom will work on new PCs, but if you want to use your original Doom or Doom2 CDs to install and play, you'll need an emulator like DosBox. (it emulates an old-school PC)

For instance if you wanted to play Doom1 on a new PC, you could install ZDoom, and copy the doom.wad over. Start Zdoom and it will ask you which doom do you want to play (I'm going from memory here, so hopefully it still rings nearly true)
So where do I get a game emulator? Do I buy it in a store or do I download it? Also I downloaded the Zdoom and my media player couldn't play it.

Please. I can't seem to find an emulator that works. I tried Google and found nothing.

Can someone please help me? I have a windows 7 operating system.

by slimer3881

14 years, 8 months ago

You'll also need a Doom2.wad file. search around for it you'll find it someway somehow.

But man does this brings back memories. I remember how excited i was about this mod, i loved the Midi-renditions of the score and soundtrack music, and how the twinkies were power-ups. this one actually had Ecto-1 driving levels.

Its a shame it never got finished, the guy just kinda gave up and stopped updating without any info on why he never finished it.

Though we do have the new game, it be nice to see what would of came to be from this.

Strange to think, 5 years ago, this was the closest thing we had to GB:TVG, heh..(thinks “Five Years Later” )

Which makes me think, what ever happened to the custom “Ghostbusters 2-D” game? its was almost exactly like a GB game on the SNES, that guy just kinda gave up too.

by darkghost1

14 years, 4 months ago

Hey, I just found an app on the Android App store called “Ghost Busters” and being a fan i thought i'd check out the store page. Anyway turns out this app is actually Ghostbusters Doom 2 ported to the android OS and the person who uploaded is asking for money for it. I just thought i'd point this out incase scuba steve didn't know about it as it seems a bit cheeky. thats the link to the info thats up on the android store page at the mo.