Ghostbusters Doom Patrol

by cj1

16 years, 6 months ago

We Are Ready To Believe You!

Ghostbusters: Doom Patrol ® has been serving Philadelphia and the greater South Jersey area since 2004. We are a privately owned company operating under Ghostbusters International ® specializing in the investigation and elimination services of all things that go bump in the night for both your home and business.

Regardless of the circumstances of your needs, we have a plan that is right for you. In addition to our supernatural pest control services, we offer a full line of quality products and solutions, including ectoplasmic and PKE (Paranormal Kinetic Energy) inspections for real estate transactions.

Because of our experience, we realize that ghostly and demonic problems can be worrisome. Relax, our friendly and professional staff is here to help and answer any questions you may have. Our services are economical, and if you choose one of our maintenance plans, we can make sure your headaches don't come back. Our goal is simple, your safety and peace of mind.

We are the first and the last resort in paranormal combat and domestic protection. If there's something strange in your neighborhood, and if it doesn't look good, don't hesitate to call…the Ghostbusters.

Check back here daily for site updates, case file postings, and other miscllenia.

Also, don't be afraid to check out our bitchin' new forum:

by cj1

16 years, 6 months ago

Here's the first four stories, just to get the ball rollin:

Ghostbusters Doom Patrol: Black Dawn
What happens when you cross a scientist, an archeaologist, a sorcerer, and a vampire hunter against the Spear of Destiny?

Ghostbusters Doom Patrol: Till The Clouds Roll By
The Doom Patrol, as usual, go from the frying pan right smack into the fire in a mystery.

Ghostbusters Doom Patrol: Unholy Beginnings
The true story behind Doom Patrol's own Andrew J. Williams.

Ghostbusters Doom Patrol: Whatever It Takes
A young man is faced with a crucial decision between life and death. Will he get rich, or die trying?

by Mr.No_Ghost

16 years, 6 months ago

Ladies and gents, here's a sneak peak of our headquarters, DPHQ!

by missygirl8520001

16 years, 6 months ago

Cool. That is very nice. You have my apporval!

by cj1

16 years, 6 months ago

And this is why Troy pays Rob the big bucks…

by AdamBestler

16 years, 5 months ago

It looks like a big bong.

by Mr.No_Ghost

16 years, 5 months ago

…big bong?

Okay, anyway I fixed a few things here. Everyone who saw the original pic agreed on one thing, that the timepiece on the clocktower needed to be put back. Looking back, I also feel the same way. In addition, I made the scene a little more busy to give it more of an active street atmosphere.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 5 months ago

What is you'se guys obsession with that picture of that dude that DaVinci made? What in the hell does that have to do with Ghostbusting or Patrolling Doom?

by Mjollnir

16 years, 5 months ago

Wow. Great design man! I thought you guys were under a highway or a bridge? Pretty cool tho.

by Mr.No_Ghost

16 years, 5 months ago

Well, not so much ‘under’ as it is ‘along’ the bridge.