Ghostbusters Doom Patrol

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

To be very much off-the-topic at hand:

Hey Iain, whatever happened to the GBUK? I don't hear much about guys anymore, not since Chronicles of Gozer really.

Things have sort've gone into hiatus as my priorities and Iain's change as we're getting older.

However, as I've stopped doing Ghostbusters.nuts for the forseeable future, hopefully once my contract at my job runs out in August I'll be able to pick up GBUK where we left off as there's a handful of finished and near-finished stories ready to release that just need a little work.

by sinister1

16 years, 5 months ago

To be very much off-the-topic at hand:

Hey Iain, whatever happened to the GBUK? I don't hear much about guys anymore, not since Chronicles of Gozer really.

Real Life.

To be blunt.

I got too busy with the Royal Air Force, a degree, and a long term girlfriend, amongst other “hobbies” such as civilian first aid training. Any spare time not spent with the girlfriend was spent just trying to relax, maybe watching a dvd if I had the time. Occasionally I get creative and do some writing, but I don't have the time to majorly contribute to GBUK these days, especially when I end up coming up with grand story arcs that will never get realised. I ended up asking Ben to finish a fair few stories of mine. GBUK was originally going to have some long term story arcs, a spin off “series” called Occult Crimes Unit, which is just in the GB universe but not following the GBs, but a division of the London metropolitan Police Force tasked with dealing with Occult crime, and then a mini series “21 Years Later” which would have dealt with the future of GBUK in quite a depressive turn of events, notably with Ben running GBUK with a new “extreme” team, my character having buggered off somewhere in a depressive stooper and so on so forth.

Never came about. We also lost several members. Roger Kennedy just disapeared one day from the net without a word. Tom Simpson faded away, came back witha vengeance then disapeared, and Armando/Mike went… odd. So it was just Ben and I.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 5 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Adam Bestler
Just how much respect would someone in a janitor suit demand from everyone?

You're speaking in fictional terms. You're implying when I talk of respect, that i'm speaking from behind the “4th wall” and actually talking about Ghostbusting. I'm not. I'm talking about these gaggle of Mary Sues respecting established rules and canon that people like Fritz have worked damned hard to establish. It's disrespectful what they do. But any sort of criticism against their work is met with delusional paranoia akin to the ol' “The man is holding me down” mentality. Nevermind that 90% of the crap that these so called “rebels” create makes so little sense. Here's a list of things with Doom Patrol that make NO sense using the general rules GOOD writers when creating GB Fan Fiction.

1. The vitruvian man - There's no way humanly possible they can make that make sense. It doesn't establish their “brand” or distinguish them from other franchises. It just looks like something they use because they thought it looked “Cool”. Brian Roig's knowledge of the occult goes about as far as mine does and don't let him fool you into thinking otherwise. Belmont is a genuinely educated man and somehow this creep thought he could stand toe to toe with The Man by peddling his silly wiccan bullshit he learned from reading websites hosted on angelfire by fat teenage girls with dyed black hair and a wardrobe from Hot Topic.

2. Their equipment - Proton Gun that Looks like a piece of automatic weaponry, specifically an uzi. Ghost womping stick. Weird pseudo-occult staff for weird pseudo-Egyptian magic man. A Ghost Pokeball/Grenade. None of which are necessary or practical to Ghostbusting as business. Doom Patrol just thought it looked cool.

3. Their uniforms - I challenge anyone to explain to me how it is practical or job effective for a Ghostbuster to wear a hood, trenchcoat, X-Men Movie style Jacket and Pants, Or traditional indian dress. You'd trip over the coat, the hood eliminates your peripheral vision, a f*cking leather pant-suit will have you dehydrated from the sweat pouring out of your body, and don't get me started on Salina and her stupid suri or whatever the hell it's called. None of these things make any sense in our little fictional world, They just did it to look cool.

4. Their Headquarters - There is NO WAY a Ghostbusters franchise could afford a building of that size. Nor would they need one. Contrary to what Doom Patrol would have you believe, Ghostbusters is not a high-profit job. You barely make enough to cover expenses and break-even. If you go by the $11,500 a year figure that Winston gives, that means the Ghostbusters make an estimate of $220 a week. So that means during a regular 4-week month 1 Ghostbuster makes $880. Let's say there's 6 people in Doom Patrol, because I don't give a shit to confirm how many people they really have, That means that 6 Ghostbusters make $5280 dollars a month. There's no way they could afford to buy a building like that, after the expenses of building a containment unit and maintaining their equipment. Nevermind the fact that their equipment is apparently “experimental” so they no doubt require a bit more care and more expensive parts to maintain. They took no logic into account they just did it because they thought it looked cool.

That's only 4 things, but I could make a list of about 20 easy if I actually cared enough to really stick it in and break it off. But like I said, It won't matter because i'm just “the man trying to hold them down” artistically. But ya notice the recurring theme there? “They just did it because they thought it was cool”.

Just because it looks cool to you guys, doesn't mean it looks cool to anyone else. The rest of us just think you're a joke, and nobody takes you seriously. You wanna know why “the man is holding you down”? It's because you suck, and your continued existence and defiance of canon that we all take care to acknowledge, is completely disrespectful. It disrespects someone like me who laid the groundwork for your stupid cartoon franchise. If I'da known that a group of hacks like you would come up behind me and taint the damned legacy with poor writing and Mary Sue tendencies leaking out of your collective asses, I would have never done it.

Right. Ghostbusters is supposed to take place in a mundane, realistic setting. You object to the fact that they prefer to be stylized. I agree that there's no way Ghostbusters International could afford to have a special branch of ghost-catching soldiers as a last resort against extreme threats. Either way, the fact still stands, they are fictional characters in a real world. Some people prefer to disregard that. Rules . . . HAH!

It's their show, who cares what they want to do with it. I know they see it as a way for them to express themselves artistically. If stylization and art are their primary concerns, then that's all you should be looking at. Disregard it from the original time line if it so pleases you. Nobody said you had to acknowledge or appreciate their creativity in the first place. Nobody's actually reading this stuff anyways. Let them do what they please.

Like I said: it's mindless self-indulgence. That's what's going on here with Doom Patrol. There is no other purpose for sticking likenesses of yourselves in to stories, artwork, et cetera. It's just easier than developing a fresh character that you can use in a story that's based on a more interesting topic.

Either way, they like writing these stories, and it's cool watching them flex their artistic muscles, I think. I don't understand why they would object to someone pointing out the truth about what they're doing. However, I see no reason why they should feel as if they're being controlled or silenced because they're just making up bullshit based on the Ghostbusters.

by ProtonPack666

16 years, 5 months ago

Sorry Bo, but:

You already cornered the market on suit modification and outlandish weaponry before we ever came into the picture.

And just like you I can make a generalization about your team based on two photos and not reading any of your material just like you did with us.

Speaking of your material, two stories about what you guys do when you're not busting ghosts, a love story involving team-mates, Fighting with Jason, The Blair Witch, and a story revolving around Jack Black's kid is award winning material. And don't even start about how the latter stories are just random ideas or just for fun, because as anal as you are I'm surprised that you would overlook the fact that you placed them underneath the “Nightsquad Originals: In Chronological Order” section.

As far our uniforms?

This is the very poster we ever made:

We're all wearing Flightsuits. We still wear flightsuits. If your going to complain about how trenchcoats affect functionality then you should start complaining about your beloved Punisher. Guess what his coat would get in the way too.

You know what forget about that. The fact that Ghostbusters wear proton packs on their backs already impedes functionality. Expecting to move about town and take out ghosts in a timely fashion is in reality ridiculous.

We suspend disbelief. We all do. That's how we find things entertaining.

All you want is for every team to be monotomus, do the same job 300 times and the only distinction allowed is the color of the flightsuit.

You are a hypocrite.

by justinmarkus

16 years, 5 months ago

*announcer voice*

… and Doom Patrol strikes back with a round-house kick that would knock Chuck Norris on his a*s! Will Bo be able to turn the tables? We shall know soon enough …

sorry. i just really couldn't help it. i honestly dont know whats wrong with me.

by misfit1

16 years, 5 months ago

We also lost several members. Roger Kennedy just disapeared one day from the net without a word. Tom Simpson faded away, came back witha vengeance then disapeared, and Armando/Mike went… odd. So it was just Ben and I.

Nobody remembers me joining…

by boholbrook1

16 years, 5 months ago

Kiss your mother at the bus-stop, Cause i'm takin' you to school.
uot;]Sorry Bo, but:

Sorry Roig, But: Still better than anything you've ever done.

Don't even get started on our uniforms ya hack. You posted ONCE picture of you talentless wastes of space when I've seen COUNTLESS support my stance on your group's general appearance. Sorry, But nobody in Nightsquad has EVER worn a hood on their flightsuit. Or a trenchcoat under their proton pack. Don't get mad at me cause you guys suck.

Ya know why my crazy experimental equipment trumps yours? Because mine doesn't look like a fucking REAL GUN. Mine doesn't look like a fucking UZI. And ya know how much experimental equipment Nightsquad carries? 1 piece. Ya know how many times we've used it? Twice.

Ya know why our equipment trumps yours? We don't have a Ghost-Trap Pokeball. Ya know why it's STILL better than yours? We don't have an ecto-whomping stick. You know why it's STILL STILL STILL better? We never used a goddamned stretch limo as an ectomobile.

But ya know why it MOSTLY better than what you guys are peddling? Because It all makes sense. There's logical explainations for all of our equipment. There's no logical explaination for anything you people do. Nevermind your equipment specifically. Epic. Fucking. Win.

Speaking of your material, two stories about what you guys do when you're not busting ghosts, a love story involving team-mates, Fighting with Jason, The Blair Witch, and a story revolving around Jack Black's kid is award winning material. And don't even start about how the latter stories are just random ideas or just for fun, because as anal as you are I'm surprised that you would overlook the fact that you placed them underneath the “Nightsquad Originals: In Chronological Order” section.

Award winners they ain't but it's still better than anything you've ever done.

The Jack Black thing is a legit story, and still better than anything you've ever done.

Me and Jen really fell in love. The writing mirrored real life. When's the last time one of you guys killed a werewolf in real life? Exactly.

The Jason story isn't continuity. Never claimed it was. “This is just for kicks man, This doesn't really happen” I just thought it was cool. Which is alright if you do it one time. It's bad when you base your entire franchise around that premise.

You know what forget about that. The fact that Ghostbusters wear proton packs on their backs already impedes functionality. Expecting to move about town and take out ghosts in a timely fashion is in reality ridiculous.

You moronic dipshit, THEY WEAR THE PACKS BECAUSE THAT'S THE TOOL FOR THE JOB! What are they supposed to do? Grab the things with their frigging hands? They have no choice in wearing the proton packs. YOU have the choice to not wear your dramatic goth hood and carry your egyptian rape-staff. What you just said, as per your franchise, made no frigging sense whatsoever.

We suspend disbelief. We all do. That's how we find things entertaining.

Let's read that again, and underline the important part for emphasis.

We suspend disbelief. We all do. That's how we find things entertaining


All you want is for every team to be monotomus, do the same job 300 times and the only distinction allowed is the color of the flightsuit.

A good writer can work within the conditions of the fictional world he is a part of. A good writer can take what you said and make it interesting while still being in touch with the source material. But then again, This implies there's a good writer in your group. Clearly there is not.

You don't have a leg to stand on in this arguement man. It's no coincidence that so many writers over the years have taken so much issue with your franchise. It's not because they're trying to hold you back. It's because you guys suck.

Another reason you guys get this kinda shit from people is because every attempt at any criticism whatsoever is usually met by YOU unleashing your fat wizard rage all over people. Nobody is trying to hold you down. You're not being persecuted for your art. YOUR SHIT IS BAD, THAT'S A FACT. This many people over this many years can't be fucking wrong.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 5 months ago

To be fair, the really big pack from the Blair Witch stories isn't the only piece of “experimental equipment” we use. I've got the lightsaber and the railgun.

Although, neither of those should really be called “experimental” because thanks to Fritz and the omnibus timeline, they're official GBI equipment now. Lots of people have a copy of the Neutrona Saber and we had Kylie using a railgun in Chronicles. It's official equipment now.

You guys are the only ones who use the stuff you've made because nobody else wants to. Which helps prove Bo's point that the only audience for the things Doom Patrol does is Doom Patrol themselves.

I should also mention that I changed the design of the Railgun a while back because I hated that it looked like a real world firearm instead of blending in with all the rest of the ghostbusting equipment. So now it looks more like an EGB particle thrower than anything else.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

I don't suppose there is a pic up anywhere that depicts said Railgun. You have gotten me intrested (I am a fan of mac / railgun technologies)

by cj1

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm not going to fight and I'm not going to get into this schoolyard slapfight again.

I will state that if anyone has a problem, an issue, or what have you, rather than continue to take a dump on this thread as has been the case today, I'd rather you, Jeff, Bo, Adam, or anyone else come to me directly with it and we can sort it out. My AIM is Beatleman22 and I'm always ready for an intellectual discussion on our merits.

Thank you.