Ghostbusters Doom Patrol

by JenSpengler

16 years, 5 months ago

To be fair, the really big pack from the Blair Witch stories isn't the only piece of “experimental equipment” we use. I've got the lightsaber and the railgun.

Although, neither of those should really be called “experimental” because thanks to Fritz and the omnibus timeline, they're official GBI equipment now. Lots of people have a copy of the Neutrona Saber and we had Kylie using a railgun in Chronicles. It's official equipment now.

You guys are the only ones who use the stuff you've made because nobody else wants to. Which helps prove Bo's point that the only audience for the things Doom Patrol does is Doom Patrol themselves.

I should also mention that I changed the design of the Railgun a while back because I hated that it looked like a real world firearm instead of blending in with all the rest of the ghostbusting equipment. So now it looks more like an EGB particle thrower than anything else.

Don't forget, you were slightly damaged goods when you joined us anyway… Well, I don't expect you to forget but should someone else and launch a “Waaahh, Jeff's a ninja, Waaah!” argument.

I seem to remember this exact thing happening in the past, and when people offered to help DP, and did, they were totally blown off.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 5 months ago

Alright well, not to commandeer the topic, but since you asked…

The Proton Railgun:

The concept behind the design:

1) A more powerful looking replacement for Kylie's “girl gun”. I'm a small guy and a proton pack is damn heavy, but Kylie's pistol looks weaksauce and I can't even figure out how it would work because it didn't run on the uranium canisters like the others did.

I mean the whole idea behind the EGB equipment was that despite being smaller and having far less tech in the packs, it was more powerful because it ran down those nuclear batteries so fast they had to be disposable. Well she had the smallest pack of all, it fit into a big pouch on the back of her belt (hey look, it's even in the picture)…but where was the battery?

So I fixed it. Made it manly lookin'.

and 2) it has a secondary mode that can shoot special bullets, like Hellboy's gun, for fighting creatures with solid forms like vampires and werewolves.

Railguns are weapons that use magnetic rails, instead of gunpowder, to propel the bullets. See the rails? They're glowing blue there, so you can't miss ‘em. And those two little cylinders jutting out in front of them are turbines that generate the electricity. It probably doesn’t look anything like any real world or video game railgun designs, but that's kinda the point. It has to match Ghostbusters tech somewhat, all jury-rigged and exposed wiring and so on.

And as far as me being a ninja goes, at least I still wear an ordinary flightsuit. The only thing different about my uniform is the silly split-toe boots.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

Very nice I like that. I really think that would have been better than Kylie’s Positron Gun (was that even the official name of it ). Who came up with the conceptual design if you do not mind me asking? It’s really nice.

I assume the cross-bar leaver on top is for ejection of the canister power supply in the back of the rail gun?

Railguns, and Magnetic Acceleration Cannons, have long been my favorite type of weaponry; Mass Acceleration Drivers as well….though those technically aren’t weapons but can be used as such under the right conditions.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 5 months ago

Very nice I like that. I really think that would have been better than Kylie’s Positron Gun (was that even the official name of it ). Who came up with the conceptual design if you do not mind me asking? It’s really nice.

As a matter of fact, I designed it myself.

As far as the official name of Kylie's gun, I don't think it has one. Everyone I know just calls it “the pistol” or “the girl gun”. Fritz calls it the “Mark III Particle Thrower” but he made that term up, based on the idea that the original packs are the “Mark I” and the packs Eduardo, Garrett, and Roland used are the “Mark II”.

I assume the cross-bar leaver on top is for ejection of the canister power supply in the back of the rail gun?

Right on the money, sir. I am impressed.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

I assume the cross-bar leaver on top is for ejection of the canister power supply in the back of the rail gun?

Right on the money, sir. I am impressed.

Well it's the only logical reason for its existence….either that or a "valve that regulated how much power from the canister the gun was receiving…kind-of like a firefighters hose. I figured it was more logical for an ejection system though…what I would have done if I designed it.

Very nice work. I like it.

by DocFritz

16 years, 5 months ago

Erm…this is sorta getting off topic.

Moer on the rail gun and neutron saber:
(Still the older picture…oops…)

Well, this topic has certainly been lively, hasn't it?

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

So what’s the maximum payload for the railgun for “solid forms creatures” you mentioned earlier, or munitions etc…or does that change depending on what the railgun is being used against.

For instance…in one of the RP’s I had in the past with my girlfriend, I had a character whom had a railgun (of considerably bigger size) that fired a solid steel slugs a good inch, inch and a half in diameter…ya long time ago…

by JenSpengler

16 years, 5 months ago

Doc Fritz
Erm…this is sorta getting off topic.

I will state that if anyone has a problem, an issue, or what have you, rather than continue to take a dump on this thread as has been the case today, I'd rather you, Jeff, Bo, Adam, or anyone else come to me directly with it and we can sort it out. My AIM is Beatleman22 and I'm always ready for an intellectual discussion on our merits.

Thank you.

I think it's cool, sir.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 5 months ago

So what’s the maximum payload for the railgun for “solid forms creatures” you mentioned earlier, or munitions etc…or does that change depending on what the railgun is being used against.

For instance…in one of the RP’s I had in the past with my girlfriend, I had a character whom had a railgun (of considerably bigger size) that fired a solid steel slugs a good inch, inch and a half in diameter…ya long time ago…

Well, I've never really set in concrete the scale of the thing because I'm not that consistent an artist. But the chamber holds 3 at a time, and the bullets themselves come in a wide variety. I imagine you'd have silver ones, or maybe even hollow points full of (what was the liquid stuff they used in Blade, silver-nitrate?) for werewolves… Ones with wooden tips, filled with garlic, for vampires…that sort of thing.

The only kind I've used in a story so far, because I haven't written as much as I'd like to, were full of mood slime. They explode when they hit and work sorta like tranq darts by neutralizing some of the monster's PKE.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

hmmm…mood slime tranq darts….intresting concept.