16 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 5 months ago
As I said, I'm always for settling things out rather than let a stew of misunderstandings boil over into…
Well, not sure where I'm going with that sentence, but trust me that it was going somewhere and it was gonna be good.
Now, if Bo's reads this, I will honestly give him credit that he was right in moving us back towards flightsuits when he suggested it in the art. It wasn't such a bad idea, and I hope that he realizes that he was at least instrumental in that respect. Maybe we were immovable back in the past, but even things that are immovable tend to budge a little bit when things become clear.
In a way, we're all hard-heads when you get down to it. I would love to have a big meeting with the big guy just to finally put everything behind us once and for all. I am curious what do you mean when you say “slighted” though, because I always felt the old man was like a rock when it comes to things.
16 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 5 months ago
Jen Spengler
Going back to the chat we had earlier this week I am a little offended that you guys tried to place the blame on Belmont for skewing your image, as well as Nightsquad's image in the past.
Jen Spengler
Finally, for god's sake finish the Arcane Division pic for him, it's been over a year since you said you'd draw it, Rob. :p
16 years, 5 months ago
Vincent BelmontJen Spengler
Going back to the chat we had earlier this week I am a little offended that you guys tried to place the blame on Belmont for skewing your image, as well as Nightsquad's image in the past.
Excuse me? I skewed Doom Patrol's image?
You know what? I'm going to elect NOT to air all of my grievances here.
I took up that f*cking thankless errand to try and convince Bo that Doom Patrol could work if given some help. I stood up for the franchise I despised.
I only point others to PART 6 of the Nightsquad reunion, quote Jeff's spiel about me, and cite this bullshit as an example of why I hate getting involved with shit.Jen Spengler
Finally, for god's sake finish the Arcane Division pic for him, it's been over a year since you said you'd draw it, Rob. :p
That's alright. Not sure I really want it anymore…
All of you people need to start leaving me the f*ck out of your little bitch fests.