Ghostbusters downloads on Xbox live

by BStantz

15 years, 6 months ago

“Wow! This is great! Actual physical contact!” This pack comes with 25 XBox 360 gamer pics! From Slimer to Stay Put, th Grey Lady an more! My friend sent me pics. Too bad I can't
post from my phone. Quite a great value!

by markderidder

15 years, 6 months ago

I saw this tweet from @GhostbustersVG

“The Gamer Pic Pac is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace.”

I'm at work so someone check this out and let me know what it is!


by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 6 months ago

by markderidder

15 years, 6 months ago

So they are just images to replace your avatar? uhh… not very exciting.

A GB jump suit for my avatar would be very nice however.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 6 months ago

So they are just images to replace your avatar? uhh… not very exciting.

A GB jump suit for my avatar would be very nice however.

Its a start at least, maybe if these pictures get enough purchases Microsoft will see that people want more Ghostbuster related downloads, and besides, I like the Gamerpics, nothing beats having the No Ghost logo as your picture.

by markderidder

15 years, 6 months ago

Jonathan Archer;150133
Its a start at least, maybe if these pictures get enough purchases Microsoft will see that people want more Ghostbuster related downloads, and besides, I like the Gamerpics, nothing beats having the No Ghost logo as your picture.

I hope to god they don't base downloadable content interest on profile pics. But, I will do my part and buy them


by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 6 months ago

Cant buy them on UK marketplace

by ParkBench

15 years, 6 months ago

I really hope there is some more content on the way, some really good stuff. I'm praying for another single player mode where you're just busting and sliming and trapping a bunch of ghosts and you can play as one of the 4 guys. Thats endless replay value, for me anyway!!!

by Dakera

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm still hoping for the flashback map pack..

I mean who wouldn't like playing any of the jobs on top of the Gozer building. Or the Ballroom, Or the courthouse frome GB2 or the museam(Vigo fight) from GB2

They've already had boss fights*Mini ones but still fights.*

So why not have the Scoleri bros pop out in the Courthouse. Or even have to fight Vigo back into the painting in the museam.

Or fight the Terror dogs on top of spook central.

There's alot of potential here, JUMP ON IT!

by JimPhelps

15 years, 6 months ago

Has anybody asked Skanker if there is anything else he's working on for this?