The subject line was designed to catch attention and to give a hint of what I have in mind.
I think it's time to come up with a party, audience participation show for Midnight Movie screenings of Ghostbusters.
- Well, because just like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, I think Ghostbusters is well suited. It's a fun movie, with audiences always high energy and looking for fun and laughs.
- The audience has already seen the film numerous times. Adding to the party wouldn't be a bad thing. And kids who haven't seen the movie already are more likely to see it at evening or outdoor showings, thus preserving their introduction to the film.
- Most of you are already dressing up any how. How many other movies do people dress up to go see repeats of?
- It's a quirky movie, with a lot of things ripe for playing with.
- We've all seen the movie over and over. When we're at the point where we can recite the movie, we're ready to exploit the movie's dialogue and action.
- These type of audience participation showings are organic. Stuff will grow into it in time, ideally. But all we need to come up with is a few dozen cool interjections to start with.
Hence my posting here - people can brainstorm here, at
Proton Charging, or at
- When's the next Midnight Movie and who's going in costume?
- Ghostbusters is a PG-13ish movie. It doesn't seem in the spirit of the movie to shout out the worst of the worst, but Venkman's letching does allow for double ententre.
- This is for Midnight Movies only. Midnight Movies are a party - everyone dresses up and has fun WITH the movie. Evening films are for everybody, all ages, who just want to enjoy the movie as is.
- No mess. The worst part of the RHPS midnight movies, the one thing that keeps theaters thinking twice about bringing it back, is when people throw toast. Water guns, they don't care. Toast, they hated. So, no tossing marshmallows or twinkies (except, maybe packaged.)
Peter “You're right Ray. No human being could stack books like this.”
Audience “ZING!”
Ghostbusters logo swirls into view over the University campus
Audience “Who Ya Gonna Call?”
The idea here is to build on the fact that when Ghostbuster fans attend screenings in costume, people want to get their picture taken, they love getting stickers and buttons and other things the fanchises bring to hand out. People want to have a ball at a Ghostbusters movie.
So, let the discussion begin. I'll start organizing and editing together the gems.
In the RHPS, there is a point where someone throws a pitch fork into the ground, which happens to be the bottom of the screen. Someone can, and does, run up, and at the right time gets “hit” in the head with the pitch fork, dying appropriately.
I don't know at this time, if there's an opportunity for one in Ghostbusters.
But if we can find it…