Ghostbusters en masse

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

Sorry, castewar, but I'm afraid there's not a market for glow-in-the-dark cats at this moment.

Now, glow-in-the-dark mice, on the other hand…the franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams!

by jettajeffro

16 years, 7 months ago

If something like this were to actually happen, I think it would be well advertised beforehand what would be taking place so some unsuspecting joe doesn't get surprised.

by misfit1

16 years, 7 months ago

I'll defend this, as this kinda thing is incredibly popular over here, with rocky horror, sound of music, and all that sorta thing. Sure, it's not my kinda thing, but that's why I don't go to them.

All of them are incredibly well advertised as an interactive experience. So theres little to no confusion for the general public.

If you don't like the idea, just don't go?

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 7 months ago

why would you do this? it's not a musical, and most people already do something similar anyway. (*egon) :-O

by castewar1

16 years, 7 months ago

and most people already do something similar anyway. (*egon) :-O

There ya go - you answered your own question. Which I actually brought up earlier - if people are already singing along with the opening theme, and yelling out at parts, how could it be expanded upon?

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 6 months ago

and most people already do something similar anyway. (*egon) :-O

There ya go - you answered your own question. Which I actually brought up earlier - if people are already singing along with the opening theme, and yelling out at parts, how could it be expanded upon?

i see what you mean. but things like that are kind of done on a spur of the moment thing, once it has been enough you get a group of friends to help you, but it has to be done a lot. i know gb has been around for a long time but it doesn't have strong agreements with the fans. their is so much we disagree on that it is hard to bring it together to have the tradidtions all come together. i love the idea but it will take time before it catches on so quickly.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 6 months ago

This is STILL a horrible idea, and the mere suggestion of it makes us all look bad.

by castewar1

16 years, 6 months ago

Bo Holbrook
This is STILL a horrible idea, and the mere suggestion of it makes us all look bad.

No no. This is for the nerds.

You're thread is over here;

by Chad

16 years, 6 months ago

Let's say we've reached an understanding and all is well. If that breaks, he is gone.

I regard original Ghostheads. Bo comes from a troubled background. I didn't have the most stable upbringing myself. Now, that doesn't create excuses, but I'm really trying to be diplomatic and fair.

This is our time, and I think barriers can be broken, new genres defined, and the community will grow by leaps in bounds in the next few years.

I know there is a place for everyone. I don't want to limit the creativity of the community. I strive for peace, I know it can be achieved.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 6 months ago

Bo comes from a troubled background. I didn't have the most stable upbringing myself.

I wanna make it clear this man has no idea what he's talking about. I told Chad ONCE years ago that my dad smoked pot and he went to jail for it. Now i've got a “Troubled Background”.