Does anyone have Ghostbusters cartoons to trade??
I have many eigthies cartoons to trade with including complete sets of He-man, She-ra, Thundercats, Dungeons and Dragons and Bravestarr.
If anyone wants to set up some kind of tape trade email me at:
I only trade VHS video in either NTSC (America and Canada) or PAL (U.K. and Europe) (I may trade eps in other formats so email me!)
I do not trade CD/VCD/DVD.
Would all people who email me let me know the following which will speed a possible trade up:
1/Exactly what episodes you have to trade.
2/The quality of the episodes (rated out of 10)
3/Your location as in country
4/What tape format you want as in NTSC or PAL (obviously this depends on your location)
5/Any other info as in terms etc.. or requests
Please email me as I really want some episodes and this is a cartoon series I'm finding hard to pick up in the U.K.!
I will email the info concerning the series you want from me covering all 5 points above.
Anyway hope someone can help me out!