Ghostbusters Fan Films?

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 10 months ago

That's awesome GBSlimerFan, keep us posted on progress with your GB Film Projects.

I think it's awesome that there are fans undertaking such a task. It shows devotion to GB as a fan and patience for the hard work that it takes.

Maybe someday we could have as extensive a Fan Film Community as Star Trek.

We can only hope….

by Specter

22 years, 10 months ago

Wingsnut: I have an idea. Put the movie onto a CD-RW, I'll give you my address, send it to me, and I'll put it up somewhere.

by StayinPuft

22 years, 10 months ago

You know I have a video tape from the late 80's with a little film on it that was used to eat up time on a movie channel. It was titled “Hydrant Busters” and it was about these fire hydrants that start running a muck in a small town. They are really in essence “Gremlins” but well their hydrants….. Well anyways after awhile a little VW bug with a bunch of equipement and lights on it pulls up with a similar Ghostbuster logo on the door but with a hydrant… Now the “hydrant busters” catch all the bad little hydrants and everything is normal again…. The whole time there is a little mock Ghostbuster song playing too….. Its probably 5 minutes long but its fairly funny.