I can't find a thread on this though, I figured there would be one by now. Forgive me if it is already being discussed elsewhere!
On Playstation Home, you can now purchase the Firehouse! It's a personal space (not one of the free public ones) and you can get it at the “Estates” store in the mall for the low price of $4.99. Normally I wouldn't give Home a penny but this was worth it!
It's basically the same Firehouse from the game. Ecto-1B is there and you can actually get in, fire it up, and hit the sirens! You can also control Slimer who is found in the basement. This is the second Home space that is meant for movie making (which I haven't tried yet) so it comes with cameras and blue screens to use, as well as furniture and stuff.
My only real complaints would be that going down the pole is lame (you kind of just float down without hanging on) and in your inventory, they didn't give you an office desk so in Janine's spot I have a fold out table (when you first enter the firehouse it is bare of furniture). Also, it's kind of a tease being able to start up the Ecto and not actually drive it. Oh, and I wish there was an additional public space to promote the game where everyone could meet up.
Other then that it is a pretty cool space. Definitely a must get for any Ghosthead that wants his virtual home to be the firehouse and have the freedom to redecorate it in any way that you would like. Also, in the Mall you can find all sorts of other GB goodies (incase you hadn't heard by now).