Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

The 11th move is f***ing lame, but I'm sure Sony will pop up with a GB PS3/Bluray pack. Well, they'd better do anyway.

Let's wait for more news. "

That was planned from the start, and is hardly going soothe our anger.

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

I will post what I wrote on gbfan:

“I can't believe how immature some reactions are.

Come on guys, since when do ANY industry try to put customers' satisfaction BEFORE making profit?

As a ghosthead, I feel sorry for all of you and I really hope that crap won't reach NA but on a gamer-note, I'm pleased they do that and moreover, I'm quite surprised that the game isn't PS3/PS2 only (after all, Sony's pleased to do whatever they want with the franchise).

How many times were the PS3 owners getting screwed with Microsoft exclusivities?
Alone in the Dark, Tomb Raider, GTA, Fallout…

The 11th move is f***ing lame, but I'm sure Sony will pop up with a GB PS3/Bluray pack. Well, they'd better do anyway.

Let's wait for more news. ”

And I will repeat:

“Seriously though, this is no time for ANY console war talk to crop up -i'd be gutted for PS3 owners if the reverse had happened. We are a Ghostbusters community, not a hideout for a particular console, and 50% of us have just been left out in the breeze with no firm dates at all. To those without even a PS2… man, I'm sorry the world is the way it is guys.”

Everyone gets the microsoft/sony beef, but there's not a single person on here who thought it was just and right that PS3 owners didn't get the other games you mentioned, so i don't see how they're relevant. Also, understanding business models isn't going to soften the blow when we were so close. Of course Sony want to maximise the profits on their system, but we'd be monks if we could just smile beatifically and go, “ah well, c'est la vie”.

However anyone feels, a large percentage of the Ghostbusters community have just been shafted, and it sucks. Platforms are irrelevant, just feel for us as fans.

Sorry man, but right now I feel like I've been kicked in the gut.


15 years, 10 months ago

still no word from skanks! dudes i think its coming here also!!!

Skanks If your reading

We Want this to be cleared up!!!!!

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

Skank will not anwser, I think he's no legally able to do so, unfortunately…

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

I imagine our man in Havana has his hands full today. give him a break, he'll resurface when he can.


15 years, 10 months ago

this is riduculous AHHHHHHH Anyone want to start a petition up ???

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

Not especially. Don't be daft, it wouldn't achieve anything.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 10 months ago

this is riduculous AHHHHHHH Anyone want to start a petition up ???

whoa hold the phone there buddy,

for now its just in Europe, lets start making petitions (and petitions never work) until after we hear that 100% the same is being done here okay?

It might come here it might not come.

My personal instinct says that the whole PAL thing is likely due to a lack of resources on Atari's part to publish it on the 19th in Europe, so its wait and see and once again that instinct says it wont happen here.

Time will tell, just wait and see.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

That would be useless and as it “only” concern Europe, Sony won't give a sh!t. Maybe they just want to sell a bit more PS3 there to get above MS…

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 10 months ago

That would be useless and as it “only” concern Europe, Sony won't give a sh!t. Maybe they just want to sell a bit more PS3 there to get above MS…
thats what someone said at gbfans, and makes since, but how much of a push will GB make for them?