Good thing this is Europe only, but I still feel bad for those who don't own a PS3 in those territories.
If this happens in NA, where I have the 360 version pre-ordered, not only will I never support Atari again, but I will be utterly furious with Sony for making it so I cannot CHOOSE which system I play GB on.
Atari is at fault everybit as Sony is. They didn't have to strike any deals.
I really feel for the European gamers who trusted Atari to give them the goodness, but Atari looked at money, before their customers.
Sorry to say this… Pray to god this doesn't happen in NA, Atari. Or you might have well just dug your own grave. You don't make a comeback, only to shun those you need to survive. People will never trust you, because all you had on your mind is money. Your heart wasn't where it belonged, in game developing, and making sure EVERYONE, sees the fruits of hard work.
Sorry your loss Europeans… While you will still get the game, it is sad that it isn't when Sony gamers will.
Capitalist asshats that only think about how much money they can make in life, will only find themselves in a bad predicament when their life ends… And everyone dies.