Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by demonaz

15 years, 10 months ago

I also think that is a douche move to do this in the 11th hour as others have stated. They must be in the final stages of development and getting ready to mass produce the discs (or whatever the final stages are) and thought now would be a good time to let people know….typical.

Also, I think that Sony may be figuring out in some way that this game is going to so much of a hit that it's going to get them a jump on the competition. Good if it does but the way they are getting things done is surprising to say the least.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

damn i must be the only guy in the world right now who supports sony lol strictly cuz ghostbusters is theres, and they can do as they damn well please with it, if it means screwing the 360 then so be it, microsoft will no doubt do the same thing 1 day, roll on june 19th

Yeah, you can say that cause you own a PS3, me, this would've put me over the edge had they done this BS in the states. The next day you'd probably hear a report of a crazed person burning down Sony's HQ with a flame thrower.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

damn i must be the only guy in the world right now who supports sony lol strictly cuz ghostbusters is theres, and they can do as they damn well please with it, if it means screwing the 360 then so be it, microsoft will no doubt do the same thing 1 day, roll on june 19th

Has your mother ever taught you that “two wrongs do not make a right?”

Just because Microsoft did some underhanded deals, doesn't mean Sony should do it too. I used to like Sony, but when they pull crap like this, then it makes me think they are just as bad if not worse than the competition.

I mean the PS3 got Bioshock, which originally was on the 360. In fact, my Bioshock still has the old “Only on xbox360” on it.

There was also a feud like this with Resident Evil 4 when it was on the gamecube and not the PS2….until fans complained enough and they ported it with extra content.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 10 months ago

Thank God it is not delayed in US, but I feel bad for Europeans. Seriously, they don't deserve this.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Thank God it is not delayed in US, but I feel bad for Europeans. Seriously, they don't deserve this.

The sad part is, the Europeans have been getting shafted since the beginning in the game industry.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;141918
The sad part is, the Europeans have been getting shafted since the beginning in the game industry.

I think someone on Kotaku said it, the gaming industry must hate your accents or something, but in all seriousness though, it really is a load, I don't get why the gaming industry and folks like Sony hate that area so much.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

At least we had New Ghostbusters 2 on NES.

by rustyjeffears

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;141920
I think someone on Kotaku said it, the gaming industry must hate your accents or something, but in all seriousness though, it really is a load, I don't get why the gaming industry and folks like Sony hate that area so much.

It's nothing to do with that really.

We just have a guy in charge over here who saw an opportunity and went for it. If he was in charge in the US I very much suspect that you would have been getting this raw deal.

In the end though if it proves a disaster then I doubt he will be in charge much longer.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

It's nothing to do with that really.

We just have a guy in charge over here who saw an opportunity and went for it. If he was in charge in the US I very much suspect that you would have been getting this raw deal.

In the end though if it proves a disaster then I doubt he will be in charge much longer.

Unfortunately thats the same logic that sadly keeps a certain someone in charge over at a company that I hate, and he's still there.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Ok, this is what I suggest:

Someone in Europe contact Atari and see if the game is region locked.

If it's not, then just import it.