Jonathan Archer;141920
I think someone on Kotaku said it, the gaming industry must hate your accents or something, but in all seriousness though, it really is a load, I don't get why the gaming industry and folks like Sony hate that area so much.
Of course….those French again with that weird language keep screwing us over. lol
Jokes aside, I think it has to do more with shipping as most of the companies Europeans get games from are from the United States. Shipping cost are a bitch to pay for when they get sent over seas. So that might be the reason.
I know there is a Sony branch in Europe, but Terminal Reality is in the US….at least I think…yeah pretty sure and thus it gets mostly made in the US.
It takes a lot to transfer stuff like that. Especially with the cost to have the game rated by European standards, regional locks, and many things I know I am forgetting, but too lazy to list.
To quote the movie Pretty Women
“No matter what they say, it's all about money.”