Once again, Sony take the screw to the European consumer.
They must surely not have any feet left the amount of times they have shot themselves since the announcement of the PS3! The one game which they would still rake in the cash even if it sells more on other consoles, because they own the IP and they limit the scope of potential buyers, cutting their nose off to spite their face because PS3 sales in Europe are not meeting expectations.
My mind does not boggle at the idea because you can sort of see the need to try something to pick up Ps3 sales. It does boggle my mind how they somehow think it will work! I thought it was widely known that Europe is in the same recession as the rest of the world and people are (finally) keeping hold of their money and look to justify spending their cash these days. They cannot expect people to cave in without question and get a PS3 even if it is Ghostbusters in the current climate.
All this will do is advocate import buying or even worse, piracy.
Really the thing that gets to me is that if they said a year ago they were doing this in all regions, it would still be crappy of them but at least people would have time to make a choice and figure out how they were going to buy the game and it would not be that big of an issue.
However to specifically target the European region with a timed exclusive enforcement, where they already have a poor rep with due to previous failings, a month shy of release is unacceptable at a colossal level!
Not even Ghostbusters is enough for me to justify buying a PS3 and in fact pulling this stunt only makes me more adamant not to get one, even though I detest all this console fanboy-ism with a passion.
I suspect Sony will ensure the 360 is regioned locked at bare minimum for online play, if not locked out right from playing on a Euro 360 at all so guess I will be getting the PC version imported.
Oh and just to counter those suggesting we are hypocrites for bashing Sony for doing this exclusive stunt and we don't bat an eyelid when Microsoft “throw money” around and get exclusives…..
The only exclusives you tend to see on the 360 are games that come from Microsoft owned studios, which is to be expected since Sony and Nintendo do the exact same thing. If you are referring to exclusive DLC, well the reason for more 360 exclusive DLC was found out recently.
The reason you don't see and probably never will see the likes of GTA4 Lost and the Dammed and the Fallout 3 extras on the PSN unless Sony change their policy, is because the game developers get stiffed with the PSN hosting bills by Sony. PSN like to brag that players do not have to pay subscription fees like you do on XBL but someone has to cover the costs of hosting DLC and Sony foolishly thought the game developers would take the hit.
Of course if Rockstar, Bethesda and the like were going to see most of their returns from investment into DLC go to Sony instead, well can you blame them for saying “Screw it, we are making this DLC XBL exclusive”. Microsoft's percentage cut in DLC is guaranteed to be small because the costs of hosting DLC are covered by the gamers subscription.