Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Bet you were in the Betamax side.

Not really, I just don't like being forced to pick one or the other. I have a DVD player, and only a DVD player, and until the day DVD's die, all I will have is a DVD player.

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Betamax was superior to VHS. It's still used in television production today.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Betamax was superior to VHS. It's still used in television production today.

Wha-Wha-Wha. Goes to show, the other side isn't always as bad.

by andy1

15 years, 10 months ago

It wasn't just the HD-DVD war either. I didn't like the way they used the PS3 to force the format on everyone too. I'd rather the consumers just chose like they did with VHS - Betamax may have been better, but at least it was the consumer who decided what to go for back then.

Anyway the Blu-Ray thing is something I could get over. If it had something to offer me I'd gladly adobt it. That thing was Ghostbusters but it's tainted now by what they're doing with the PS3 game and the Blu-Ray release. I'm not going to be forced to buy a PS3 so I can play the game and watch the Blu-Ray.

Nope - I'm going to do the honourable thing. Wait and buy the versions I want. I know it'll be hard, I'll have to avoid spoilers on the internet and from friends down at the pub if they actually get the PS3 version, but at least I won't feel like I've let Sony walk all over me and treated me like a chump.

Also I've just got a nice upscaling HDMI DVD player (not Sony fortunately). I know it's not Blu Ray but it still looks incredible with Ghostbusters. Since I only watch the film once a year, it'll more than do me for the forseeable future.

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Betamax may have been better, but at least it was the consumer who decided what to go for back then.

Actually, there's reason to believe that VHS only won that war because JVC flooded the market with VHS tapes and recorders.

Nope - I'm going to do the honourable thing. Wait and buy the versions I want. I know it'll be hard, I'll have to avoid spoilers on the internet and from friends down at the pub if they actually get the PS3 version, but at least I won't feel like I've let Sony walk all over me and treated me like a chump.

Same here. That and I couldn't afford a PS3 even if I wanted to.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

Actually, there's reason to believe that VHS only won that war because JVC flooded the market with VHS tapes and recorders.

And the porn industry right?

by JodisWelch

15 years, 10 months ago

Actually, there's reason to believe that VHS only won that war because JVC flooded the market with VHS tapes and recorders.

In the case of the High Def Disc wars, I'm sure Sony putting $500 million on the lap of Warner Bros to go Blu Ray exclusive even though originally they were going to go HD-DVD as it was technically superiour might have been a contributing fator.

Same here. That and I couldn't afford a PS3 even if I wanted to.

I have more than enough cash to get a PS3 and a crap tonne of accessories for it. However as I have said before, not even Ghostbusters is enough justifiction to buy one still.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Jodis Welch;141979
In the case of the High Def Disc wars, I'm sure Sony putting $500 million on the lap of Warner Bros to go Blu Ray exclusive even though originally they were going to go HD-DVD as it was technically superiour might have been a contributing fator.

I have more than enough cash to get a PS3 and a crap tonne of accessories for it. However as I have said before, not even Ghostbusters is enough justifiction to buy one still.

Wah-wah-wah, that probably didn't hurt in the least, thanks Sony, and yeah, I can get one as well, but well, I think everyone here knows my stance on this.

by Reapergb

15 years, 10 months ago

Most likely that the 360 and wii versions will be region locked like they always are.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Wait a minute… you people are seriously saying that Blu Ray has been forced on people because:

1) It won the High Def Disc war
2) Its included in the PS3, thus “forcing” people to own one

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? These are the complaints?

It won the High Def Disc War because it was superior, and because it got studios to go exclusive. Its no different than if Microsoft won the console wars and the PS3 failed because Microsoft got games to go exclusive, and more people felt it was a superior system. You 360 lovers wouldn't be complaining then.

It being included in the PS3 as a “forced ownership” is the most moronic thing I've ever heard. So what? If you didn't want to own a Blu Ray player, don't buy Blu Ray discs, it will be like it doesn't even exist. Its not like it increased the price of the system at the time when the technology came out. A Blu Ray player at the inception was about $400, so was the PS3. So its either a free PS3, or a free Blu Ray player if you look at the price. So who cares? Its free! If you don't want to use it, its not like it messes up your PS3. It being included in the PS3 does not “force” you to buy Blu Ray discs.