Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by lionbush

15 years, 10 months ago

I can't agree with that because of Microsoft selfish business behavior… Remember Lost and the Damned? (GTA IV)

Exactly, it's a competative market out there and you have to take advantage of these situations whilst you can.

Microsoft would do the same here if they held the film rights, make no mistake there. Sony are just doing what is best in their interests, and if doing this shifts a few thousand more PS3's then it will be worth it.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Honestly, I would be less upset about it if they had done this last year…but it's this 11th hour bullshit (no matter who it is) that pisses me off.

by lionbush

15 years, 10 months ago

Honestly, I would be less upset about it if they had done this last year…but it's this 11th hour bullshit (no matter who it is) that pisses me off.

Having a little think about that though, and maybe Sony were looking at:

a) How well Atari were doing in promoting and publishing.
b) More crucially, how well the pre orders and interest was going. It may have been going well enough for them to make this decision thinking they aren't going to lose out.

Yes, it's a shitter for the 360 owners though.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

Glad i got a ps3

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 10 months ago

Additionally…Kotaku is reporting this as well…

To quote someone on Eurogamers…if that is indeed true (which I am assuming at the moment is)…

It proves that Sony does indeed…Have no Dick
yea. i wanted a ps3, but after this dick move, im not getting one. i understand the want for exclusivity, but damn. this isnt the title to do it.

by lionbush

15 years, 10 months ago

This is why I got a PS3 as well as my 360, I could see this iceberg coming last year!

I had it pre ordered on the 360 though as I personally prefer it for games, but I just switched it incase it does come true that they have done this.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 10 months ago

I just bought myself a 360 as i'm in no position financial to splurge on a PS3 and honestly don't care about the whole console war debate because it's my choice in the end. But, for Sony to pull this now (especially so close to release) is just low. I mean, i'm not going to fork out for another system just for one game. Honestly, it just irritates me how they can do this. All those with preorders on other systems are just gonna be pissed. We've been delayed enough already. I am starting to lose respect for all these big companies on the crappy decisions they make.

I especially loathe the quote from Atari saying that they think they'll reach a bigger audience with this deal. Pretty confident releasing on all systems was gonna be a bigger audience.

Gah…now i'm annoyed! I was having a decent day until I read this.

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 10 months ago

This is why I got a PS3 as well as my 360, I could see this iceberg coming last year!

I had it pre ordered on the 360 though as I personally prefer it for games, but I just switched it incase it does come true that they have done this.
i want it for pc, and 360. would have gotten a ps3 when the price drops, but wont at all even if this happens. screw em. they want this game to sell to the masses. this isnt going to do it. itll sell to fans first, then gamers last.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

ectoplasmic residue;141750
yea. i wanted a ps3, but after this dick move, im not getting one. i understand the want for exclusivity, but damn. this isnt the title to do it.

I can't see where's your problem as you wanted to get à PS3…

by lionbush

15 years, 10 months ago

From a fans perspective it's naff, but fro Sony's perspective they think it's a great move. At the end of it the game and Sony will live or die by this choice, but they wouldn't do it lightly if they thought there would be no benefit.