Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 10 months ago

The delay is only in europe.

Yes, we only figured this out about 3 pages ago lol.

by Timmons

15 years, 10 months ago

haha i suppose out of protest of sony, pal users could just download the pc version from an American upload for free(illegally of coarse) and play it on that until it comes out on 360 cough… not that ill be doing that :-)

Get it up you sony, assholes.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

Stop raging Timmons. If Sony was really mean they could just have cancelled the game for Xbox/PC so be pleased.

by Timmons

15 years, 10 months ago

Im just pissed off, no way in hell can i afford a ps3 atm and i'm not waiting another few months to play this game.

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

The delay is only in europe.

And Australia.


15 years, 10 months ago

I'm extremely pissed off. Why oh why did sony announce this at last minute? if they said they were going to have exclusive rights earlier, I may have able to afford a PS3 since back then I would have still had a job.

i cant wait till the end of the year to play this

Oh well guess I'll just have to get the ps2 version

and i think the 360 and wii us version is most likely to be riegen locked so I guess we pal users can't import a copy either

screw you sony

by Reapergb

15 years, 10 months ago

I have posted this around other communities.

OK seriously this has got to stop.

All i have seen is fan boy this fan boy that and *** this and *** that. Now i'm not being a *** here I'm simply stating yes it sucks that Sony pulled this crap on Europe when they should have left it alone but there is nothing anyone can do about….the only real thing people can do is not buy a PS3 its that simple, cause that's what there trying to do. PS3 Sales have been down big time, no one is buying them cause there a little expensive. And no I'm not gonna sit here and say no one is buying them because the system sucks, cause I'm not a fan boy i simply like the 360 better and that's my opinion doesn't mean other people have to like it if you have a PS3 that's cool but don't bash people that don't have one or have a 360 cause that's there choice just like you have a choice of owning a PS3.

But back on topic if your not happy with the way Sony has handled things here then just don't support them. I personally am lucky to live in Canada so I'm getting the game but doesn't mean I'm gonna sit here and brag to people that i have it cause like i said I'm lucky to be actually getting the game. Sony could be huge *** heads and do it to Americans to but they cant cause Atari is publishing it and I'm 100% sure Microsoft and Nintendo have deals to where the game will be available on there console on release date in America maybe they have deals in Europe to and they may stand up and point it out and settle things hopefully. So the people in Europe can have the game the same month as everyone else here in north America.

Like i said i feel bad for everyone in Europe and hope things can get resolved for you guys.

Just found this as well

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago…merry-go-round

Can't really say I'm to surprised by this, first Douchavision drops them back in October, the *insert many censored words here* and now this stunt with Sony, thanks ActiSony, you both suck.

Honestly, I wouldn't be to surprised, even if the game does well if this crap swore them off of making a sequel.

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 10 months ago

Just move to the United States if you wan't to pay ghostbusters on 360. duh!

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Just move to the United States if you wan't to pay ghostbusters on 360. duh!

that's the spirit!