Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

You know, i've been thinking. If the usa version does end up being region locked then there could still be a way for non ps3 owners to play. Now its not an ideal solution by any means but, aren't there places left that will rent out ps3 consoles along with games? That way more people will get to play (though not own, obviously) thus making the wait for the xbox version not quite as bad.

Now as i said this isn't that good of an idea, but just an idea. So dunna bother kickin me in the balls if not possible or whatever.


by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 10 months ago

Peter Venkmen;142192
Yes, we only figured this out about 3 pages ago lol.

I was answering GuyCC's question.

and thanks Kingpin

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 10 months ago

Sorry to hear about whats happening over there in Europe, as this is plain wrong. Forcing people to buy the game on a certain system to enjoy it on release day is really low.

However, what can you do?

Glad to hear the USA isn't in the same boat as I had plans to buy the PC version of it, as I don't own any of the current systems.

by JodisWelch

15 years, 10 months ago

You know, i've been thinking. If the usa version does end up being region locked then there could still be a way for non ps3 owners to play. Now its not an ideal solution by any means but, aren't there places left that will rent out ps3 consoles along with games? That way more people will get to play (though not own, obviously) thus making the wait for the xbox version not quite as bad.

Now as i said this isn't that good of an idea, but just an idea. So dunna bother kickin me in the balls if not possible or whatever.


There are obviously places to rent games from but I have never seen a place the rent out the consoles as well. Would imagine that it would be too much of an insurence nightmare that would be worth offering.

However if there is then fair game, its a solution, albeit a temp one.

I think the easiest solution is still to import the version you were after providing there is no region lock out which we will not know unfortuantly until closer to the US release.

PC version will not be region locked of course as it just does not happen on PC software. There is only voice and text translation issues with PC software depending on where you are based and where you are importing from. Of course in this case importing from the US to the UK will not be an issue.

Non English speaking countries though in the EU will have to hope on someone making a translation patch if English is not a language they are versed in.

For the Wii version, as long as you have not updated your Wii firmwire to version 3.3 or later, Datel's Freeloader will allow you to play any imported Wii game.

No idea on anything that allows DS imported games to work.

The 360 version we will not know till close to release. It wll ether be locked out for the region entirely or it may work on PAL region consoles but have online features region locked.

I'm going for the PC version as it seems to be the one to get without any hassle.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Blockbuster used to rent out systems. I don't know if they still do since the Blockbuster near me no longer exists.

by Whisk

15 years, 10 months ago

my sources tell me no region lock out for the 360 version. :-O

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

my sources tell me no region lock out for the 360 version. :-O

If this is true, and thats a big if since I don't know your sources, then this game is going to get so imported. Well, exported on my end since I live in the States and it'd get exported here and imported there.

by GuyCC

15 years, 10 months ago

I was answering GuyCC's question.

and thanks Kingpin

I was being more facetous. I've kept up on the thread, but there's still a temptation to keep asking daily in case more of “teh drama” pops up between now and then.

When it's here, I'll know this particular game's soap opera is over.

by Whisk

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;142298
If this is true, and thats a big if since I don't know your sources, then this game is going to get so imported. Well, exported on my end since I live in the States and it'd get exported here and imported there.

yeah definitely. it's good news for sure.

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 10 months ago

my sources tell me no region lock out for the 360 version. :-O

I'd love it if it were true