Scott Sommer;142367As far as I know, it's either Bill Gates or Chuck Norris. (*_*)
I am the king of the internet ^^
15 years, 10 months ago
Scott Sommer;142367As far as I know, it's either Bill Gates or Chuck Norris. (*_*)
I am the king of the internet ^^
15 years, 10 months ago
The DS is region free console. I know because I send people friends in usa games from here (uk)
15 years, 10 months ago
15 years, 10 months ago
15 years, 10 months ago
See, I'm 30 and I couldn't give a proverbial about your little console war. I own a 360, but have never had anything bad to say about anyone who owns a PS3, mainly I guess because I'm not still in nappies. I bought it because I could afford it, pure and simple. I would never waggle it around in front of someone who owned a different console, as though it were somehow a shorthand for being well-endowed. If anything, it only serves to suggest the opposite. Seriously lads, we had this with the Amiga and the Atari ST when I was nine and it was boring then - we grew out of it pretty damn fast as well when we realised everyone thought we were complete spanners for even caring.
Live and let live. This is NOT a gamer forum, it is a Ghostbusters forum. Console war discussion has no place here.
15 years, 10 months ago
15 years, 10 months ago
i would love nothing more than to put Ghostbusters into my Sony PS3…it just make sense
15 years, 10 months ago
15 years, 10 months ago
See, I'm 30 and I couldn't give a proverbial about your little console war. I own a 360, but have never had anything bad to say about anyone who owns a PS3, mainly I guess because I'm not still in nappies. I bought it because I could afford it, pure and simple. I would never waggle it around in front of someone who owned a different console, as though it were somehow a shorthand for being well-endowed. If anything, it only serves to suggest the opposite. Seriously lads, we had this with the Amiga and the Atari ST when I was nine and it was boring then - we grew out of it pretty damn fast as well when we realised everyone thought we were complete spanners for even caring.
Live and let live. This is NOT a gamer forum, it is a Ghostbusters forum. Console war discussion has no place here.…1868525&sr=8-4
30th November released for PAL regions. Half a bloody year extra wait?
15 years, 10 months ago
BUT!!!!…here comes my hardcore gamer side….
i can recall Microsoft dumping sh*t on Sony gamers on MANY MANY occasions. Now this may be more of a publishing rights deal so it really aint Microsofts fault but finally i can say Sony is returning fire back on them. SONY OWNS GHOSTBUSTERS…its as simple as that..they can do whateva they want and ill support that. Now, personally i like Sony more than Microsoft…i think the PS3 is way better than the 360 (Blu-ray c'mon and a few more reasons)..i would love nothing more than to put Ghostbusters into my Sony PS3…it just make sense ( not since like most of you on here). so i dont feel bad for any 360 fans out there cuz you guys always run your mouth about PS3 and now us PS3 fans have something to say back…besides…the 360 version is a port anyways…who wants that?!
i said my peace so im out…
PSid: gamesta31O ( its the number zero. not the letter O). Hit me up we'll go busting ghosts online…
30th November released for PAL regions. Half a bloody year extra wait?