Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by cyclops1

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;142367

I am the king of the internet ^^
As far as I know, it's either Bill Gates or Chuck Norris. (*_*)

by JodisWelch

15 years, 10 months ago

The DS is region free console. I know because I send people friends in usa games from here (uk)

Sweeeeeeet! (^_^)

Well if the 360 turns out to be region free I may still end up with the three versions I was after, just all imported.

I can trust my local games store to help me import the 360 and DS version but he does not deal with PC games.

Anyone with recomemdation on a PC software import specialist, or is it as simple as just buying from the US Amazon site?

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 10 months ago

I usually dont talk much in forums, i just like to read and see what people say but after reading ALOT of the responses on here i couldnt help but register and say somethings that arose in my head.

First i wanna say that theres a GB fan side of me then theres a hardcore gamer side of me. On my Gb fan side i gotta say that it does suck for europeans who have a 360 and cant play the game until a later time which i think wont be anytime soon. Alot of you are saying that you'll just have to wait…thats seems really hard to do because once the game comes out in June, its gonna be ALL over the internet (forums, internet sites, youtube etc.) its gonna be real hard not to see footage or bosses and what not so i feel for ya'll on that. Pretty much the whole game is gonna be spoiled for you guys whether you try to avoid it or not. it just plain sucks.

BUT!!!!…here comes my hardcore gamer side….

i can recall Microsoft dumping sh*t on Sony gamers on MANY MANY occasions. Now this may be more of a publishing rights deal so it really aint Microsofts fault but finally i can say Sony is returning fire back on them. SONY OWNS GHOSTBUSTERS…its as simple as that..they can do whateva they want and ill support that. Now, personally i like Sony more than Microsoft…i think the PS3 is way better than the 360 (Blu-ray c'mon and a few more reasons)..i would love nothing more than to put Ghostbusters into my Sony PS3…it just make sense ( not since like most of you on here). so i dont feel bad for any 360 fans out there cuz you guys always run your mouth about PS3 and now us PS3 fans have something to say back…besides…the 360 version is a port anyways…who wants that?!

i said my peace so im out…

PSid: gamesta31O ( its the number zero. not the letter O). Hit me up we'll go busting ghosts online…
“Ray has gone bye-bye Egon, what have you got left?”

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

See, I'm 30 and I couldn't give a proverbial about your little console war. I own a 360, but have never had anything bad to say about anyone who owns a PS3, mainly I guess because I'm not still in nappies. I bought it because I could afford it, pure and simple. I would never waggle it around in front of someone who owned a different console, as though it were somehow a shorthand for being well-endowed. If anything, it only serves to suggest the opposite. Seriously lads, we had this with the Amiga and the Atari ST when I was nine and it was boring then - we grew out of it pretty damn fast as well when we realised everyone thought we were complete spanners for even caring.

Live and let live. This is NOT a gamer forum, it is a Ghostbusters forum. Console war discussion has no place here.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 10 months ago

See, I'm 30 and I couldn't give a proverbial about your little console war. I own a 360, but have never had anything bad to say about anyone who owns a PS3, mainly I guess because I'm not still in nappies. I bought it because I could afford it, pure and simple. I would never waggle it around in front of someone who owned a different console, as though it were somehow a shorthand for being well-endowed. If anything, it only serves to suggest the opposite. Seriously lads, we had this with the Amiga and the Atari ST when I was nine and it was boring then - we grew out of it pretty damn fast as well when we realised everyone thought we were complete spanners for even caring.

Live and let live. This is NOT a gamer forum, it is a Ghostbusters forum. Console war discussion has no place here.

True, this is a Ghostbusters forum but there is such a game coming out called Ghostbusters: The Video Game…soooo you got to expect both fans of the movies and gamers to say what they feel…

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah… about this specific game, not some spurious battle which has emerged about two of its respective platforms.

Bitterness against microsoft for past decisions isn't something any of we now delayed PAL ghostheads had anything to do with - so all the “haha! One for Sony!” talk is just teeth-grindingly annoying. You haven't won any battle, or got any ammunition or any such nonsense. All there is is the truth that some people are going to get a game late and they're a little touchy about it (because they've been obsessed for 25 years now and this has been a long time coming, but I digress) and the console war stuff feels a little like people are laughing at our misfortune. We are not microsoft, we are disappointed GB fans. I'm sure a PS3 forum would cheer with joy, but we're just down, man.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

One thing I have to disagree with Anderson-GB is you saying that “360 fans say stuff about the PS3.” Most of the time, or from what I have even, it is always the PS3 fan boys who start this war and the 360 fan boys end up instigating it. On countless occasions I have seen the PS3 Fans just dissing the xbox360 because it doesn't have Blu-ray and whatever, but in truth Blu-ray is not that much of an advancement. It's not the same as saying “Oh we went from VHS to DVDs.” It is really not that big of a jump. Half the time I can't tell the difference between Blu-ray and HD DVD

“Sony is returning fire back on them.” Is that the kind of people we want Sony to be? Cut-throats who go out for revenge? Doesn't it make things worse? and what does it say about a company when they rely on the same tactics as what was against them? (Oh boy I remember the flame wars when Final Fantasy 13 was going to the xbox. )

Two wrongs do not make a right

Besides the the PS3 saying “Oh guess what, in the PAL regions they won't get the 360/Wii version till later.” That's the comeback? After all these years, that's it? Not much eh? The State side gamers are like “so?” and the PAL region gamers jut say “I am never buying from Sony again.” So who wins? Let us also remember that the PS3 did get BioShock after people wouldn't shut up when originally it was a 360 exclusive. So Sony's plan was to lose a few millions of dollars from potential buyers all to get back at Microsoft in Europe? For what exactly?

The main problem is that kind of thinking is what starts these console wars in the first place and you are at fault for even agreeing to something like this. 360 gamers will have just as much fun popping the disk into their system as much as PS3 gamers will. Why? Who can go wrong with Ghostbusters?

i would love nothing more than to put Ghostbusters into my Sony PS3…it just make sense

This line confuses me a little. So….are you saying I wouldn't enjoy my Ghostbusters DVD because I am putting it in a Toshiba DVD player rather than a Sony DVD player?

That doesn't make sense. I know you are trying to say this “Sony goes with Sony” concept.

I hope someday people grow out of this crap because it makes people into monsters. I am going to agree with robbritton since I also grew up with the Atari and such and say that this console war is pointless.

Between me and the console war, I just hate the fanboys from both sides….it's like “Just shut up and play the damn game.”

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 10 months ago

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

See, I'm 30 and I couldn't give a proverbial about your little console war. I own a 360, but have never had anything bad to say about anyone who owns a PS3, mainly I guess because I'm not still in nappies. I bought it because I could afford it, pure and simple. I would never waggle it around in front of someone who owned a different console, as though it were somehow a shorthand for being well-endowed. If anything, it only serves to suggest the opposite. Seriously lads, we had this with the Amiga and the Atari ST when I was nine and it was boring then - we grew out of it pretty damn fast as well when we realised everyone thought we were complete spanners for even caring.

Live and let live. This is NOT a gamer forum, it is a Ghostbusters forum. Console war discussion has no place here.

Pretty much this, this doesn't effect me cause I don't live in the PAL regions, but I tried not to get dragged into this stupid console war and its a shame that unfortunately the entire PAL region has gotten dragged into it, even the people who don't argue which console is better.…1868525&sr=8-4

30th November released for PAL regions. Half a bloody year extra wait?

See, this, this is what PAL users are getting dragged into cause of Sony.

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

BUT!!!!…here comes my hardcore gamer side….

i can recall Microsoft dumping sh*t on Sony gamers on MANY MANY occasions. Now this may be more of a publishing rights deal so it really aint Microsofts fault but finally i can say Sony is returning fire back on them. SONY OWNS GHOSTBUSTERS…its as simple as that..they can do whateva they want and ill support that. Now, personally i like Sony more than Microsoft…i think the PS3 is way better than the 360 (Blu-ray c'mon and a few more reasons)..i would love nothing more than to put Ghostbusters into my Sony PS3…it just make sense ( not since like most of you on here). so i dont feel bad for any 360 fans out there cuz you guys always run your mouth about PS3 and now us PS3 fans have something to say back…besides…the 360 version is a port anyways…who wants that?!

i said my peace so im out…

PSid: gamesta31O ( its the number zero. not the letter O). Hit me up we'll go busting ghosts online…

Real classy, Anderson. (*janine)


30th November released for PAL regions. Half a bloody year extra wait?

Typical. (*egon) Why didn't they just say “Spring 2010”, wouldn't have made much difference.

And it also shows just how honest they were about that whole “released in time for the film's 25th Anniversary” announcement they made following the first delay.