Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

…besides…the 360 version is a port anyways…who wants that?!

umm… yeah…

sometimes things are said…

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

And it also shows just how honest they were about that whole “released in time for the film's 25th Anniversary” announcement they made following the first delay.

They're being honest…pft, if you're a PS3 or non-PAL user, the liars.

by Mentski

15 years, 10 months ago

umm… yeah…

sometimes things are said…



Are you saying what I think you're saying there?

I'm sure you couldn't say yes even if you wanted to, but I have to say, I always found it bizarre that all the very early preview screenshots just happened to be 360 ones, despite that little bit of obvious pro-Sony PR saying PS3 was the lead platform.

Anyhoo… PAL region 360 owner here. Annoyed as hell, just like many, and considering importing, if not the 360 version (region lock permitting), I'll get the PC version.

As I've mentioned in other places, I know business is business and all, If it had been announced 6 months ago, or this was a global issue, I might have even given in and bought one. But 6 weeks? No. Freaking. Way.

Sony's attempt to get me to buy a PS3 has failed, It's a terrible, dirty trick to pull, IMHO.

They do know there's a recession on and £350 doesn't grow on trees, right?

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago



Are you saying what I think you're saying there?

I'm sure you couldn't say yes even if you wanted to, but I have to say, I always found it bizarre that all the very early preview screenshots just happened to be 360 ones, despite that little bit of obvious pro-Sony PR saying PS3 was the lead platform.

Anyhoo… PAL region 360 owner here. Annoyed as hell, just like many, and considering importing, if not the 360 version (region lock permitting), I'll get the PC version.

As I've mentioned in other places, I know business is business and all, If it had been announced 6 months ago, or this was a global issue, I might have even given in and bought one. But 6 weeks? No. Freaking. Way.

Sony's attempt to get me to buy a PS3 has failed, It's a terrible, dirty trick to pull, IMHO.

They do know there's a recession on and £350 doesn't grow on trees, right?

That is bizarre, and Skanker's wording there is suspecious, but not like it bothers me, even if it was a PS3 port I wouldn't care

And I agree, had they pulled this say back in, oh I don't know OCTOBER WHEN THE GAME WAS FIRST DELAYED *cough* sorry, I don't think there would be an uproar, at least not as big as one anyways, but to pull this kinda BS this close to release is, pretty much a dick move.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

It's so much as a “port” as is so much as a “doing the harder stuff first.”

Terminal Reality could have made the game for any system they wanted to, but as Skankerzero hinted to on some occasions and in some interviews between the staff of TR, they did it on the PS3 first because it i a little bit more difficult to make games for that system.

What do I mean by difficult? I don't really know as I am not a programmer, but I do know there is a lot more things that need to done for the PS3 than it is for the other systems. So it is easier to do the harder system first and then go back an “port,” for lack of a better term, to the other ones.

People take the word “port” as a bad term for some reason, when really it just means “transfer from one system to another.” Some even say “because you lose something when you port to all systems.” Maybe, but this is only AFTER the fact, not during the process of the game being made.

Like how Bioshock was ported to the PS3 from the xbox360. Also Resident Evil 4.

Some ports can be a port better like Resident Evil 1, when originally it was on the playstation was transferred to the Gamecube and was ten times better graphically and game play wise.

If I can make a chain based on programming….not based on graphics or anything else…I shall say it is easier to port the highest you can and port down along the chain.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

to clear it up:

a ‘port’ is done later or by a different team for transfer onto another console.

we developed both 360, ps3, and pc versions at the same time. neither is a port of the other.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

to clear it up:

a ‘port’ is done later or by a different team for transfer onto another console.

we developed both 360, ps3, and pc versions at the same time. neither is a port of the other.

That settles that then.

by Mentski

15 years, 10 months ago

to clear it up:

a ‘port’ is done later or by a different team for transfer onto another console.

we developed both 360, ps3, and pc versions at the same time. neither is a port of the other.

In other words despite PR to the contrary, there was no “lead platform”, I'm guessing the Infernal engine is platform agnostic, much like modern Capcom games and their MT Framework, would that about cover it?

by Zalbag

15 years, 10 months ago

I believe a port is just using the file that was created and converting it to the systems format of coding…I think :p

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

In other words despite PR to the contrary, there was no “lead platform”, I'm guessing the Infernal engine is platform agnostic, much like modern Capcom games and their MT Framework, would that about cover it?

That sounds about right. I bet Sony just wanted them to say that the PS3 was the lead console due to Sony (unfortunately) holding the rights to the property. :p