Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

to clear it up:

a ‘port’ is done later or by a different team for transfer onto another console.

we developed both 360, ps3, and pc versions at the same time. neither is a port of the other.

That's what I meant. This is why some developers do it at the same time rather than “port” later"

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;142441
Some ports can be a port better like Resident Evil 1, when originally it was on the playstation was transferred to the Gamecube and was ten times better graphically and game play wise.

That isn't really a good comparison. The coy of Resident Evil for the Gamecube was a brand new build, rather than a port of the same game.

A better one is Spiderman 2, where the PC version was bland and linear, didn't have the freeroam New York which was definitely a hyped part of the PS2 version and the only thing that appeared to have come from the PS2 version were the cinematics, and Bruce Campbell dialogue. The PC version of that game was a terrible port.

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 10 months ago


by batman2

15 years, 10 months ago

Biased 1 sided 360 fanboy.

I have a PS3 and I am not alienated nor are everyone else outside of Europe & Australia.

The way I see it Ghostbusters fully belongs to Sony and they can really do what they like until someone buys it from them.

I still feel sorry for other console owners who will have to wait 3 months extra or so to play the game, but I think they will find ways to get the game, be that through import or illegal copies.

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 10 months ago

He's hardly a xbox 360 fanboy, if you check out his other videos he has one called “why xbox 360 sucks”

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Biased 1 sided 360 fanboy.

I have a PS3 and I am not alienated nor are everyone else outside of Europe & Australia.

The way I see it Ghostbusters fully belongs to Sony and they can really do what they like until someone buys it from them.

I still feel sorry for other console owners who will have to wait 3 months extra or so to play the game, but I think they will find ways to get the game, be that through import or illegal copies.

If you want my opinion, I personally think the franchise belongs to Dan, just cause Sony bought it didn't mean they created it, and personally, I wish Sony didn't buy it cause they've been stupid with it.

by Timmons

15 years, 10 months ago


here, here!

This guy is right on so many levels, i just want to play ghostbusters, not get fucked about.

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 10 months ago

:-) liked that. the slap part was hilarious, and he's right. also when did the PS4 come out?

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago


So damn true, of course you got your YouTube trolls going “Haha, Microsoft does the same, haha, I'm an idiot, durp durp do.”

This was just a bad move on Sony's part IMO, but unfortunately, despite Dan Aykroyd being the creator of the franchise, he sadly doesn't hold the property and that sucks.

by OniellFord

15 years, 10 months ago


He pretty much did what I would have done if I had a video camera.

I always saw through the lies of Sony, ever since they released the PlayStation 1. I still feel sorry for our PAL friends. It's not the slightest bit fair.

If I had the tools and skills to hack into the other versions and somehow remove the regional code thingy (if it has one), I'd do it for our friends “across the pond”.