Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 10 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;142511
Not so much for people who don't like the DualShock design as much as the 360 controller. Honestly, that fact usually dictates which console I buy a game for.

Also, by that logic if you aren't playing it on a Sony brand TV using Sony branded HD cables does it somehow lessen the experience?

no it doesnt lessen the experience because i dont even have a sony tv…im simply making that statement for the game and that game only…but i have bought other games like REsident Evil 5 and GTA4 on the PS3 simply because they originated on the playstation. other than that…yes…i do like PS3 better. i like the Dualshock more than i do the 360 controller, especially for FPS games…the analog sticks are closer which feels like it gives me more of a precision aim.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 10 months ago

Well, that was what the statement seemed to suggest, that's what I was saying. Really, it's more of a purist statement, like when Nintendo loyalists suggest that playing The Legend of Zelda wouldn't be the same on a competing console.

I say that all the time, and I make up of plenty of absurd reasons for it, but at the end of the day if Nintendo stopped making hardware, I'd cry, I'd get angry, and after months of screaming ‘boycott’ I'd buy the next LoZ game on whatever they put it on. It's not right, and it's what puts us in this current predicament, but it's the truth.

Also, -and this is more of a general observation- aren't most games usually designed for the lower end system and then ported up to the more powerful ones so that less work is required in the port process? I know that has been the case with most 360-PS3 games, at least when they come out at the same time.

See, I've never cared for the DualShock controller. I prefer offset analogs, but there you go; preferential gaming.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 10 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;142605
Well, that was what the statement seemed to suggest, that's what I was saying. Really, it's more of a purist statement, like when Nintendo loyalists suggest that playing The Legend of Zelda wouldn't be the same on a competing console.

I say that all the time, and I make up of plenty of absurd reasons for it, but at the end of the day if Nintendo stopped making hardware, I'd cry, I'd get angry, and after months of screaming ‘boycott’ I'd buy the next LoZ game on whatever they put it on. It's not right, and it's what puts us in this current predicament, but it's the truth.

Also, -and this is more of a general observation- aren't most games usually designed for the lower end system and then ported up to the more powerful ones so that less work is required in the port process? I know that has been the case with most 360-PS3 games, at least when they come out at the same time.

See, I've never cared for the DualShock controller. I prefer offset analogs, but there you go; preferential gaming.

Well thats an obvious response about the LoZ because you wouldnt have no choice but there are plenty of choices now for gamers to decide which console they are gonna buy their games for. There are way more cross platform games now than ever because gaming developement is way too expensive now just to make exclusives.

"He's an ugly little spud, isn't he?… I think he can hear you, Ray…:-O

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 10 months ago

Exactly. That's why it shouldn't be up to Sony or anyone else to decide what platform a game that was designed to be played anyway the consumer wanted should now be limited for any reason that doesn't expressly benefit the consumer. Does the Xbox 360 version give people nasal rot? Does the Wii version cause children to spontaneously combust? If not, then it shouldn't have been done. Not like this, at any rate.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;142532
Bullcrap, unless they get more people buy PS3's for this game, I see sales in that area not being good, and who knows how sales for the other versions when they get released will be.

That's partly the point, as well as building up a desire for the game for the other consoles. Yes, I realize its been a couple of years since the game was announced, and people have built up plenty of desire, but if Sony figures that they will get more people interested and wanting the game by having it on one console exclusively for a while (by both building interest for other consoles, and also selling some PS3's as well).

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;142622
Exactly. That's why it shouldn't be up to Sony or anyone else to decide what platform a game that was designed to be played anyway the consumer wanted should now be limited for any reason that doesn't expressly benefit the consumer. Does the Xbox 360 version give people nasal rot? Does the Wii version cause children to spontaneously combust? If not, then it shouldn't have been done. Not like this, at any rate.

While I agree that the announcement of the delay at this late point should not have been done, suggesting that a company that owns the rights to an intellectual property should not be allowed to decide what platform a game based on that intellectual property is designed for (especially when they have a video games division and develop and release video games and systems) is pretty silly. Of course Sony would want the game to sell well across platforms, but the more it sells for Playstation and the more Playstations it sells because of the game, the better for Sony. That's obviously where they would most want the game to succeed. Suggesting that the game should just be made for every platform and that the company shouldn't be allowed to decide what system it should benefit the most from is flat out wrong. It makes no sense from a business standpoint, and no business would operate well under your suggested business model.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Doctor Venkman;142643
That's partly the point, as well as building up a desire for the game for the other consoles. Yes, I realize its been a couple of years since the game was announced, and people have built up plenty of desire, but if Sony figures that they will get more people interested and wanting the game by having it on one console exclusively for a while (by both building interest for other consoles, and also selling some PS3's as well).

And personally, all I see happening is it backfiring in Sony's face cause people are going to forget that Ghostbusters is coming out later that year, minus the die-hard fans, cause as I said before, I don't see Ghostbusters being a console pusher.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;142645
And personally, all I see happening is it backfiring in Sony's face cause people are going to forget that Ghostbusters is coming out later that year, minus the die-hard fans, cause as I said before, I don't see Ghostbusters being a console pusher.

I realize that's your opinion, but my point is that it doesn't make sense to say “They could've had more money if they weren't so greedy.”

They're being greedy by doing this because they think this course of action is going to be the one that will make them the most money.

No one knows for sure which way would be the most profiting for them, but the quote above makes no sense.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Doctor Venkman;142646
I realize that's your opinion, but my point is that it doesn't make sense to say “They could've had more money if they weren't so greedy.”

They're being greedy by doing this because they think this course of action is going to be the one that will make them the most money.

No one knows for sure which way would be the most profiting for them, but the quote above makes no sense.

Well, its true though, each sale on a competitor's console mind you goes to Sony since they own the rights, and since they're only going to sale the PS3/2 versions, they're not going to make as much money as they think.

Its like that guy in the YouTube video said, everyone in that division of Sony has brain damage.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;142647
Well, its true though, each sale on a competitor's console mind you goes to Sony since they own the rights, and since they're only going to sale the PS3/2 versions, they're not going to make as much money as they think.

Its like that guy in the YouTube video said, everyone in that division of Sony has brain damage.

Yes, Sony gets money from the sales of the game, but I assure you they don't get as much from a copy of the game selling on 360 as they do from a copy of the game selling on a PS3. Microsoft surely gets paid something from the sales on the xBox as well. So Sony wants to profit from the people who own both systems who will now buy the PS3 version to have it earlier, as well as the people who have the money to buy a PS3 and then buy the version of the game. Plus, this might boost sales from people who have old PS2's lying around that they never use, who will now break them out in order to buy the PS2 version of the game.