Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Doctor Venkman;142648
Yes, Sony gets money from the sales of the game, but I assure you they don't get as much from a copy of the game selling on 360 as they do from a copy of the game selling on a PS3.

They may not make as much money if the game is on other consoles, but they do lose a good revenue from it which they could have made from those other sales.

If I was a business owner, I would open my revenue up as much as possible because even the small amount is better than none at all.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

You know the more I think about it, the more i come to the HIGHLY possible conclusion that Sony should be thanked! I mean from things i've read it really seems like Atari couldn't handle a worldwide release. So without Sony stepping up and publishing our beloved game we in the “Pal” region probably wouldn't be getting ANY of the versions till later in the year.

So i'm going to give Sony the benefit of the doubt on this one and give ‘em a great big VERY WELL MEANT thanks!!!!

Unless i’m wrong (which i don't think i am tbh) in which case f**k you Sony. lol.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

You know the more I think about it, the more i come to the HIGHLY possible conclusion that Sony should be thanked! I mean from things i've read it really seems like Atari couldn't handle a worldwide release. So without Sony stepping up and publishing our beloved game we in the “Pal” region probably wouldn't be getting ANY of the versions till later in the year.

So i'm going to give Sony the benefit of the doubt on this one and give ‘em a great big VERY WELL MEANT thanks!!!!

Unless i’m wrong (which i don't think i am tbh) in which case f**k you Sony. lol.

I don't think that is the case with Atari. They bought the game on a contract which judging by what was told to us, was a very popular thing to pick up. Seems they had many companies wanting to publish it and buy the rights.

I think Atari knew that they were getting into and knew about the world wide release. So I doubt it is because “they couldn't afford it.”

Cause remember even Atari was surprised Sony.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

Well i'm still gratefull to Sony. Don't forget there's a recession goin on to. Atari most likely aren't in the same fanancial situation they were probably in when they picked this game up. Sony could be pretty p*ssed with atari for droppin the ball for all we know. Although obviously i don't know that, but its a very real possibility.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Well i'm still gratefull to Sony. Don't forget there's a recession goin on to. Atari most likely aren't in the same fanancial situation they were probably in when they picked this game up. Sony could be pretty p*ssed with atari for droppin the ball for all we know. Although obviously i don't know that, but its a very real possibility.

I think alot of people wouldn't mind Sony picking the game up, if they didn't pull this timed BS a month before release.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Everyone is pissed how Sony became so underhanded by this. That's the point. It's not that they made this decision as it really matters little, but to do it at the last moment in the 11th hour is what is pissing people of.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I completelty get that. But what i'm trying to suggest (in a devils advocate type of way) is that maby Sony them selves weren't planning on publishing it at all. Maby they had no choice and they had to come in and save the day at the 11th hour. I mean it's possible.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I completelty get that. But what i'm trying to suggest (in a devils advocate type of way) is that maby Sony them selves weren't planning on publishing it at all. Maby they had no choice and they had to come in and save the day at the 11th hour. I mean it's possible.

And that would be fine, if they let the other console versions come out at the same time.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I completelty get that. But what i'm trying to suggest (in a devils advocate type of way) is that maby Sony them selves weren't planning on publishing it at all. Maby they had no choice and they had to come in and save the day at the 11th hour. I mean it's possible.

………I don't see how pulling other copies of games off shelves is in a way “saving” something in the PAL regions. Unless there is something Sony does not want to talk about.

What other choice did they have? If you could elaborate what you mean by “save the day” then maybe I can buy it a little more.

I don't think it is a financial issue with Atari and if anything it only decreases sales rather than saving it.

I can't think of any good reason why Sony would do what they did other than “We want to push more PS3 in the PAL regions.”

Another question is, why was it not done here in the states as well? Not complaining mind you, just curious on why only the PAL region.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

I can't think of any good reason why Sony would do what they did other than “We want to push more PS3 in the PAL regions.”

Another question is, why was it not done here in the states as well? Not complaining mind you, just curious on why only the PAL region.

This, and I guess the PS3 is selling enough in the States so they decided against it, I don't know, like I've said many times, big business confuses the crap out of me and no sir, I don't like it.