Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 10 months ago


Something strange going on… have just emailed me and told me my xbox 360 Ghostbuster pre-order has been moved from october back to 19th June.

They site has changed all the dates back to June 19th from October.

Probably an error, but it gave me hope for a few moments.*&s=Ghostbusters&sort=itemOrderasc

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Yea, that's probably an error.

Unless Sony received a ton of backlash and is correcting their mistake…

Nah…. it's probably just an error.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;142779
………I don't see how pulling other copies of games off shelves is in a way “saving” something in the PAL regions. Unless there is something Sony does not want to talk about.

What other choice did they have? If you could elaborate what you mean by “save the day” then maybe I can buy it a little more.

I don't think it is a financial issue with Atari and if anything it only decreases sales rather than saving it.

I can't think of any good reason why Sony would do what they did other than “We want to push more PS3 in the PAL regions.”

Another question is, why was it not done here in the states as well? Not complaining mind you, just curious on why only the PAL region.

What i mean is there's a chance that Atari couldn't afford to do the game launch justice for the whole world at the same time. So instead of pushing all the different versions back to later in the year Sony stepped up and published it for there systems in order to let Atari give it the launch it deserves later in the year.

As for it not being done world wide. thats what makes me think they are working with Atari to help them by giving them some time/breathing space. Because if they really wanted it as a Sony only timed exclusive, I would've thought they'd've done it world wide.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying this IS what happened or anything. I'm just keeping an open mind.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

What i mean is there's a chance that Atari couldn't afford to do the game launch justice for the whole world at the same time. So instead of pushing all the different versions back to later in the year Sony stepped up and published it for there systems in order to let Atari give it the launch it deserves later in the year.

As for it not being done world wide. thats what makes me think they are working with Atari to help them by giving them some time/breathing space. Because if they really wanted it as a Sony only timed exclusive, I would've thought they'd've done it world wide.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying this IS what happened or anything. I'm just keeping an open mind.

Its still pretty damn stupid though that they're not releasing all of them at the same time though, but well, if Sony wants lost sales, lost sales Sony will get.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

It might not have anything to do with being stupid though. It may have been a neccasary thing that Sony HAD to do to get at least there version out on time. Although i completely agree with you that if Sony did do this just to try and sell more ps3s then they are very stupid indeed.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

It might not have anything to do with being stupid though. It may have been a neccasary thing that Sony HAD to do to get at least there version out on time. Although i completely agree with you that if Sony did do this just to try and sell more ps3s then they are very stupid indeed.

Well then, its stupid, giving thats the only reason they're doing this.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

Well i'd rather have just Sonys versions out on time than none at all.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Well i'd rather have just Sonys versions out on time than none at all.

>.>;;; Well, it helps that you probably have a PS3. People like Kingpin and such, they're probably not thinking the same thing.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 10 months ago

Well if people would rather it be delayed on ALL consoles rather than just a few just because they haven't got the console it is releasing on then they are incredibly selfish people.

Please don't think i'm calling anyone selfish as i'm not.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Well if people would rather it be delayed on ALL consoles rather than just a few just because they haven't got the console it is releasing on then they are incredibly selfish people.

Please don't think i'm calling anyone selfish as i'm not.

Not really, but that still doesn't stop it from being one of Sony's more stupider decisions. People don't have trouble with Sony publishing their versions, but don't push back the other consoles versions just cause you want to push your console.