Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by Buckynohair

15 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, but “to push there console” may not be the reason they're publishing it.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, but “to push there console” may not be the reason they're publishing it.

And I'm personally still calling bullcrap.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 9 months ago

Good to see you can look at the glass half full lol.

by Mentski

15 years, 9 months ago

Why do people continuously keep theorising that “Atari couldn't afford to release it”, to the extent of stating it as FACT (like the maintainer of a certain other GB fan site) when..

A) Up until a week ago Atari were ALREADY spending large amounts of money publicising worldwide release on all formats in the same week. You don't throw a shitload of money into European marketing of the game only to realise a month before release you can't finish the job. The amount of money needed to do this task would have been forcasted in advance, and if they couldn't afford to follow through with it, they wouldn't have started in the first place… And you can't use the recession as much of an excuse, as its been going on for so long now, there's no way Atari wouldn't have factored it in the forecasting in the first place.

B) This rumour has already been addressed by the CEO of Atari himself -

When asked whether financial problems were restricting a multiplatform release in Europe, Wilson replied, “No, not that I'm aware of”. He also said that the release on other formats in the region would not be dependent on the success of the PlayStation versions.
Sure, he could be lying, but I still think its more likely a “console war” issue than a financial one. I'm pretty sure Atari must have been able to afford to release it, but Sony made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

Lets face it… this isn't the first time a stunt like this has been pulled by either Sony or MS, its just the 11th hour timing of it that's the most unsettling thing about it.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Why do people continuously keep theorising that “Atari couldn't afford to release it”, to the extent of stating it as FACT (like the maintainer of a certain other GB fan site) when..

A) Up until a week ago Atari were ALREADY spending large amounts of money publicising worldwide release on all formats in the same week. You don't throw a shitload of money into European marketing of the game only to realise a month before release you can't finish the job. The amount of money needed to do this task would have been forcasted in advance, and if they couldn't afford to follow through with it, they wouldn't have started in the first place… And you can't use the recession as much of an excuse, as its been going on for so long now, there's no way Atari wouldn't have factored it in the forecasting in the first place.

B) This rumour has already been addressed by the CEO of Atari himself -

Sure, he could be lying, but I still think its more likely a “console war” issue than a financial one. I'm pretty sure Atari must have been able to afford to release it, but Sony made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

Lets face it… this isn't the first time a stunt like this has been pulled by either Sony or MS, its just the 11th hour timing of it that's the most unsettling thing about it.

This, many times over, and its hard to see the glass half-full when Sony has treated this franchise like shit and the constant delays by publishers and such.

by Mentski

15 years, 9 months ago

The theory I'm going to go with is Atari must have had the cash to follow through to the end. They wouldn't have taken it this far otherwise, and we would have seen such a deal struck much sooner.

…But when weighed up against the money Sony no doubt offered they decided to take the money and let them have the PAL exclusive.

In the end of the day though, the only thing this is benefiting is Sony's long term profits and Atari's short-term cashflow.

A large percentage of the consumers who have been expecting a release on the 19th in their country, on their platform of choice, since Autumn/Winter last year are now having to wait even longer. They aren't benefiting from anything, no matter how you spin it.

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 9 months ago

Most of my mates were going to buy the game but arent really big fans of the film, with this delay they've all said they'll not bother buying it now because of certain games coming out in November. Pity cause I wanted to play co-op with them.

I also dont believe the cash is low with Atari, This game has been promoted all over Europe in the past 2/3 months. Why would they promote something if they couldn't commit to it?

by Zalbag

15 years, 9 months ago

My guess is sony is going to test “something” out with regions, could be an anti-pirate device we'll never know about so no one can just download it or something. Companies are tricky ones.

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 9 months ago

My guess is sony is going to test “something” out with regions, could be an anti-pirate device we'll never know about so no one can just download it or something. Companies are tricky ones.

How could Sony be testing an anti-piracy device when the PS3 is blu-ray which is region free

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Like stated above, Atari knew what the costs were and they knew that Ghostbusters was going to turn a profit if successful. I think they knew how much it would cost otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to try for it.

Again, financial issue with Atari is VERY unlikely and is probably last on the list of reasons.

No, it's just Sony is getting too greedy and want to push for the PS3 versions more to turn a higher profit neglecting that they wold have made a profit either way.