Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;142844
Like stated above, Atari knew what the costs were and they knew that Ghostbusters was going to turn a profit if successful. I think they knew how much it would cost otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to try for it.

Again, financial issue with Atari is VERY unlikely and is probably last on the list of reasons.

No, it's just Sony is getting too greedy and want to push for the PS3 versions more to turn a higher profit neglecting that they wold have made a profit either way.

Thank you.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;142844
Like stated above, Atari knew what the costs were and they knew that Ghostbusters was going to turn a profit if successful. I think they knew how much it would cost otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to try for it.

Again, financial issue with Atari is VERY unlikely and is probably last on the list of reasons.

No, it's just Sony is getting too greedy and want to push for the PS3 versions more to turn a higher profit neglecting that they wold have made a profit either way.

I can see Atari having $$$ issues based on how the world markets have been acting the past 9 months, and I really don't think Atari would admit they have money problems as its never works well with getting rights and such. A company that looks unstable just isn't a good thing.

Anyways, I understand that many of you are upset as it looks like a dirty number Sony has pulled which I agree is the likely reason, however Atari may have been the ones that brought this on due to $$$ issues.

I'm sorry, but everyone I know has either lost they jobs or taken hour cuts, and I don't know of many buying much of anything that is entertainment as of late, so maybe its $$$.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Anyways, I understand that many of you are upset as it looks like a dirty number Sony has pulled which I agree is the likely reason, however Atari may have been the ones that brought this on due to $$$ issues.

I'm sorry, but everyone I know has either lost they jobs or taken hour cuts, and I don't know of many buying much of anything that is entertainment as of late, so maybe its $$$.

The video game business is the only known big business that hasn't been really affected by the recession so far.

Yes some developers have lost their jobs true, but most never stayed on unemployment and most got different jobs work in in different companies.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago


That doesn't prove anything.

Why is it that every time someone says “we are not going to do something” why a financial issue is the first reasoning?

Atari themselves have stated before that no financial problems have occurred and still people persist that “Atari is broke.” The only thing it sounds like is Atari is focusing their resources.

Again I highly doubt Atari jumped into something not knowing what they would do. I still favor the “Sony wants to sell more PS3s” gig more. Again Atari had the publishing rights to Ghostbusters for what? 6 months now?

by Buckynohair

15 years, 9 months ago

They'd hardly be likely to admit to it now would they?

Is it so hard for you to think that money may (and i stress MAY) be the reason for the late publishing deal?

Yes when Atari took over the reigns they would know the cost of publishing and be prepared. But circumstances change sometimes.

I'm not saying money is definately the reason but i'm open to the possibilty. I'm also willing to give Sony the benefit of the doubt and not call them every name under the sun without knowing all the facts. Now if it is a dick move by Sony for no reason, then i'd be the 1st to think ill of them.

By the way I have a 360, ps3, Wii, DS and a Ps2 (this is for no ones benefit, just don't wanna be accused of being a Sony fanboy or owt lol)

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 9 months ago

now i dont know if this is true, or not, but could it be possible Sony has it in its booth.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm not sure if this has been posted already, I did a quick scan of all the recent pages and didn't see it so…*crosses fingers* but I thought it was oddly appropriate, considering this whole mess.

Please note, there is some crude language. Please lock the children in the garage -preferably with the car NOT running this time- before you read.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;142898
I'm not sure if this has been posted already, I did a quick scan of all the recent pages and didn't see it so…*crosses fingers* but I thought it was oddly appropriate, considering this whole mess.

Please note, there is some crude language. Please lock the children in the garage -preferably with the car NOT running this time- before you read.

That pretty much sums up the tactic that Sony pulled here.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;142863
The video game business is the only known big business that hasn't been really affected by the recession so far.

Yes some developers have lost their jobs true, but most never stayed on unemployment and most got different jobs work in in different companies.

Well the last part of that is pretty untrue based on what I'm hearing. Being in a art school specializing in Animation and gaming, I'm sure I have a heads up to the truth of the matter. However, This is about Atari anyways, and none of us knows what is really happening. Atari pulling out of E3 would appear to be a sign of a an issue, but as said, perhaps Sony is promoting it now.

All I know is what I'm seeing around me. It doesn't look good from where I'm at. Then again I live in Tampa, FL.