Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by trp81284

15 years, 10 months ago

Gosh. I hope the recession hits Sony… hard. And they are forced to sell off their properties to someone who sees possibilities, not dollar signs. But that can't happen…

Somehow I knew yesterday that this was going to happen. I thought, “Man, I waited all that time for the first release, only to be disappointed. Now the actual release is so close, something bad has to happen.” Ghostbuster fans never get the first class seat on the plane, they always have to sit in the septic tank.

by scott.herring

15 years, 10 months ago

What a load of shit…. I can't believe they have decided to do this now!! If a year ago, they had decided to make it a PS3 exclusive, i'd have been a lil annoyed but accepted it. But to do it a little over a month before release, that is just wrong.

by rustyjeffears

15 years, 10 months ago

Pardon my language, but no it fucking won't.

I refuse to accept that this delay is in any wasy justified if part of the core decision behind it was to sell more Playstation 3s. I will never accept this as a just reason, nor any argument you present to try justify it either.

This was a underhand, crappy, rotten, douchebag decision to make. It slaps the faces of a large chunk of the game's potential audience and just says what Sony have always thought about the fans:

“We can shaft them and do whatever we want”

I had no reason to buy a Playstation 3 before. Now, I'll make sure I never will.

I guess it's the Wii version for me for now, as I have a PS2 which I still love.

I can hope that if this thing only affects the European/PAL section of the globe, and that the US release is still on schedule, that maybe I can purchase one of the US copies of the 360 game.

But it honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point if Sony also announced that the NTSL non-Playstation ports were to also be delayed.

I will ask that people remain as civil as possible, and that you try to not look quite like a shill for Sony, Lion. Even though you've said it's a harsh deal for the 360 players… that remark just comes off of hollow after having said that you think this decision might be worth it.

Christ I come on here now and it fucking bedlem. I think I'll pop off again…

by misfit1

15 years, 10 months ago

Any news on the pc port? I can't find any. I'm just hoping the US game isn't region encoded.

Man, what a kick in the nuts. I really feel cheated.

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

its hitting everywhere

thats the best 1 from uk i found right now (from like a 20 second search but explains everything) lol

sorry to xbox 360 owners, but as a loyal sony fan i am laughing my ass off right now, lmao come on you wud be too but naaaa i feel for you, it sucks for atari to, not fair in many ways

by lionbush

15 years, 10 months ago

At the moment it is only Europe affected, but I think it will go to all regions eventually.

Kingpin, I'm no shill for sony, I prefer my 360 over my PS3 and I had it ordered for that. So it's not hollow when I say it is shit for 360 owners. I mean it. It's also shit for Wii and PC owners too. But I can see why Sony did it, as to it they will live or die by that choice only time will tell.

I guess you are a 360/PC owner by your reaction?

by lionbush

15 years, 10 months ago

Great article that sums up what I am saying in a much better way than I can!

SCEE will be publishing Ghostbusters: The Video Game on PS3 and PS2 in June - thereby creating a timed exclusive because all other platforms will slip to later this year.

Asked to comment, Atari rather tersely told SPOnG today, “Speak to Sony. We will release other versions later in the year”; having already put a great deal of work into the project with the goal of a June multi-platform release, you can't really blame Atari's people from shrugging their shoulders as that effort evaporates.

But why?

Well, you are Sony Pictures, you have a large property in the form of Ghostbusters, and a 25th anniversary of that same product rushing around the corner. You've got the Blu-ray movie all ready to pre-order.

Your boss is Sir Howard Stringer. His plan is to bring all of Sony's business groups together as a profitable, efficient, fighting unit. There is pressure and plenty of it from shareholders and board members.

So, you are Sony Computer Entertainment. Someone else is going to publish a video game based on a major Sony-held property. That's Ghostbusters: The Video Game and the second party in question is Atari - which is aiming to get the game out on all platforms in June.

This date will coincide with the movie's anniversary Blu-ray release. This is going to entail a big marketing spend from Sony. There's quite a bit riding on it.

Hold on! Why on earth would you at Sony Pictures and Sony Computer Entertainment want to see your marketing spend benefit the competition? Why should Microsoft, Nintendo and ‘those guys who make PCs’ benefit?

No reason at all. So, you look over the contract regarding intellectual properties… and you have SCEE put out a press release that begins…

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

At the moment it is only Europe affected, but I think it will go to all regions eventually.

Kingpin, I'm no shill for sony, I prefer my 360 over my PS3 and I had it ordered for that. So it's not hollow when I say it is shit for 360 owners. I mean it. It's also shit for Wii and PC owners too. But I can see why Sony did it, as to it they will live or die by that choice only time will tell.

I guess you are a 360/PC owner by your reaction?

There are sites that are reporting it as worldwide due to what I can only guess is the same assumption…it's gonna hit everywhere…

by heslimedme251

15 years, 10 months ago

Good to hear that the response to this has been pretty much in disgust. As Kingpin said though, hopefully the US 360 version is still released and I'll just pay extra to get it imported. It's a downright dirty move, all the fairplay crap and the big corporations still can't get it right. I mean, it's not even being competitive, they've basically crippled the competition with the exclusive (and Microsoft do it too, that's why I avoid exclusive DLC and the like, it's just wrong). If it was released on all platforms it will reach the wider audience, it will make a bigger impact on release and in all honesty Sony won't lose out because they'll get a huge slice of the pie for owning the IP, so it's just a completely pathetic attempt at selling more consoles. Jebus, i'm gonna be angry for days!

As for saying that they're thinking about their advertising and it benefiting the competition. I'm pretty confident the amount of hype and the like for the game (on all platforms) has already benefited Sony. The marketing push for the game on all platforms would have been payed for by Atari so in all honesty they wouldn't really have to do anything but say, “And hey, look we've got the film out on Blu-Ray!”

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 10 months ago

Oh boy if this hits North America, I am not going to be happy.